Sunday, December 30, 2007
Breaking News
'Year End Bonus' tonight
She'll grow into it, we're sure . .
Meet Michelle, Mom's Right Hand
Here's some fun, from a family friend

Comment from Linda Rolfsrud Letnes:
I loved Lorlee's picture. Virg must have come in for the picture, he wasn't in first grade yet. Cute. In my class we had Tom Navratil and Roland Trousil. In seventh grade I am guessing we only had Wes Heibel and Warren Trousil. Charlotte Force used to come to school in the fall until they went to Florida for the winter season when she was younger. I remember a lovely person in eighth grade, Diane ?, I just don't know. That's Irene Marquette, an 8th grader, in dark hair. Duane and Sonja's class was a larger class. The Kakaks came about that time. Did Kathy have an older sister? I keep thinking that this lovely girl Stan is wondering about came from the farm a quarter of a mile from the Gulbransons on our way home. A Heibel? Ann Marie? Just guessing now. I have a photograph album in one of the unopened boxes with lots of pictures of Oak Grove Country School. In time I will get it out.
(They used to call Irene "Inky Dee Marie." -- Stan)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The map room
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas greetings from western No.Dak.

Full house
When we say we received a small batch of photos, that's exactly what we mean. That, and a heart-felt wish for a Happy New Year. These Norwegian farmers don't waste words. So the captions on the photos are based on the failing memory of the blog editor and his lovely assistant, and subject to exaggeration, prevarication, misidentification, and, of course, eventual correction.
all their children are above average
These brides have all chosen Rolfsrud men as their life partners -- with two exceptions. Second from the end is Kelli Rolfsrud McCoy. She's Marilyn and Harold's only daughter. Her husband, Jiro, is giving flight instruction in Iraq. Sorry, we're not sure about the lovely gal on the end. But from the front it is Gena (David), Deb (Doug), Marilyn (Harold), Nancy (John) and Trish (Guy) Rolfsrud.They stand tall in the kitchen, probably having just prepared and delivered a fine table of Christmas delight to their men and children.
Christmas guests at the Rolfsrud Ranch included Guy Rolfsrud, his wife, Trish, and their daughter, Brooke, from Cottonwood, Minnesota, as well as Cousin Joe Weltzin, his wife, Adalina, and their daughter, Marby, from nearby Watford City. The girls appear much bigger and older than they did at the family reunion last summer.
Christmas chaos abounds in these photos of family activity. In the background, a red-shirted David Rolfsrud is apparently connecting a brand-new Christmas doodad to the family computer. Hurry up, Dad. Me first.
John Rolfsrud, left, watches Madison check out her new item. At the far right, that's no ring on Trish's right hand -- it's a pacifier at the ready.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Black Forest Inn hosts life-long pals
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
We took 26 group photos tonight. . .
Midnight flight brings Mom's Christmas guests
There, Beverly Rolfsrud entertained the two at the Christmas buffet at Rudy's Redeye in the Holiday Inn.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Sox and Candlelight Services
Monday, December 24, 2007
An Angel Comes to Knox Avenue

Ms. Harrisonfields will stretch her Neilson/Martha Stewart muscles, start up the fire in the kitchen, and make a delightful cranberry/apple bread pudding before she is off to work.

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Cousin Erika
Or Google her name and all kinds of history comes up. And such a good-looking Rolfsrud. Uff Da.
Here's her new home page greeting:

So, I've added some new production photos that I hope you enjoy!
And as for coaching... Hey folks! Grad School Auditions are fast approaching... are you ready?! If not, please give me a call! Let's get you ready and in shape with those pieces, to get you into the graduate school of your dreams! And good luck to all!
Have a safe and wonderful holiday season!!!
Here's an interesting question/answer piece by Robert L. Pela you might enjoy reading.
Published: December 1, 2005
Erika Rolfsrud, Making ' em laugh
She's played Shakespeare festivals and appeared on soap operas and been directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, and right now Erika Rolfsrud is appearing all by her lonesome in Arizona Theatre Company's one-woman Bad Dates. Here, she considers rug burns and lazy eyes and the horrors of slow-mo screaming.
Erika Rolfsrud
I knew I wanted to be in show business when I saw Donald O'Connor doing the "Make 'em Laugh" number in Singin' in the Rain. I had rug burns on my shoulder trying to duplicate his dancing.
The worst thing about being an actor is the rejection. You have to train yourself not to take it personally and remember the reason you chose this profession in the first place: You simply love it.
My worst audition ever was for a commercial where we were supposed to scream in slow-mo -- and silently, because the casting director didn't want actors screaming at her all day. Which wasn't so bad until the casting director gave me notes on my technique for silent, slow-mo screaming, then had me do it over and over again. Nothing like being asked to do something ridiculous and then told you aren't doing it right.
The happiest day in my life was meeting my nephew William the first time. (Second happiest: meeting his siblings, Ben and Grace.)
If I could be anyone other than myself, it would be no one. Just me. I guess all that therapy's paying off . . .
It's not entirely true, but I sometimes tell people that I grew up in Seattle, when I actually grew up in Bellevue, just east of Seattle.
The fictional character I am most like is Stephanie Plum from the Janet Evanovich books. We have a similar sense of humor, gullibility, and propensity for clumsiness.
I am utterly terrified of snakes.
My worst bad date was a blind date. Literally. My pal who set us up said, "He does have a lazy eye. But it's only noticeable when he's tired." I went on the date and he must've been pretty damn tired!
The one thing I absolutely refuse to do on stage is gratuitous nudity. It takes the audience right out of the story. And I'm a modest person -- not so good at flashin' The Girls for the heck of it.
Something I have never admitted to anyone before is . . . I'm not telling you!
Currently I am reading The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho.
The first time I got drunk, I threw up. But first I did that sobbing, laughing, "I love you, man!" routine.
Appearing onstage all alone for 90 minutes is one of the greatest challenges I've ever faced professionally, and one of the most rewarding.
Like my mother used to say, [whenever I dressed sloppily for church] "Well, God's seen you in worse. Let's go!"
Over the river and through the woods
Our rude shelter for Jesus
Friday, December 21, 2007
Dashing through the snow. . .
Thursday, December 20, 2007
M&M finish tree with pride

A successful tree decorating.
After an evening of Max entertaining a young lady named Catherine (making homemade ornaments out of cookie dough), and getting some hand-me-down ornaments from the Rolfsruds, our tree looks beautiful. Closeup shot at right.
Much better than spending the evening on homework.
Joy to all,
Marcelline and Max
(who are not opening their presents early)