Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hello Norge!
Windowboxes 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Do you see the problem here?
The Internet, with its AllPosters.com, provided easy and complete access to these classics at a reasonable price. I meticulously moused through my order, put it in my electronic shopping cart, reviewed it, printed it out, paid by secure Visa and hoped for the best.
I wanted four identical medium brown Sovia frames, matted in sand, 23x26.
Today the last of the Four Freedoms arrived. You see the result above. Alas, the downside of ordering online. What is obvious to you is not so obvious to the computer.
The AllPosters.com systems are most gracious. They have admitted that something is different, something is not right. And why not? I am communicating globally now at great length with Avitha and Agritha on the other side of the world. They can't actually do anything for me over there, the mistake was made in California or in the Ohio warehouse, but they can make me feel good with their copious form letters, laden with apologies and best wishes for my complete and utter satisfaction.
Next step? I will be emailed a label within 48 hours. This I will print out on my computer, attach it to the old package, drive it to my nearest UPS shipping center (just where is that, now) and ship.
When they can confirm their mistake, only then will the process restart. I suggested that I simply reorder online and they could refund me later when they get my package. Neither Avitha nor Agritha appear to have a form letter covering such an innovation, so my suggestion was ignored. So sorry. Americans are always in such a hurry.
Once upon a time, a real person would say, "We'll fix our mistake and get you the right one out tomorrow. My bad."
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things is not the same....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Determined to participate
Steve Rolfsrud writes:
Dear Family and Friends:
Briggs and Bill are still determined to make it to Boston by Labor Day. Evidence supporting that determination include an improvement, albeit slight, in her circadian cycle and no more episodes of nausea and dizziness this past week.
Briggs is working two hours a day at the College of St. Catherine. And she is able to enjoy being outdoors some. Today she is riding a golf cart (cart paths only!) at the Mississippi Dunes golf course while Bill and their friends Bobby, Laurie and Steph golf. Briggs must wear a patch over her facial scar for six months whenever outdoors, and a soft neck brace, but otherwise is able to enjoy the freedom of being outdoors--although she would much rather be a participant than an observer.
Steady and moderate speed ahead!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Some notes on Mom's condition
The science of not getting too close
Prime Minister longs to drive bus
The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago says the one remaining ambition he wants to achieve in life is to drive a bus.
Patrick Manning, who has held the post twice, made the confession during a speech to the People's National Movement.
"I don't know if I ever told you all a secret desire I have, and I'll do it before I die, is to drive a bus," he said, according to the Trinidad Express Newspaper.
"I haven't made it yet, but one day I want to drive one of the long ones, you know the articulated ones."
The nation’s Public Transport Service Corporation’s Chief Executive Vincent Lynch however said it takes at least a month to qualify to drive a bus, Prime Minister or not.
Mr Lynch also said the PM must have a heavy-T driver's licence before even applying to become a bus-driver.
"You must have some feel for a heavy vehicle. There are laws governing the operation of public service vehicles," he insisted.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Birthday Egg Rolls for Boss
Hey Lorlee, you okay?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ladies lunch at Patrick's in Bachman's
Old business (Chuck and Stan) was discussed and approved.
- Can Linda Letnes really predict your property taxes?
- Texas Hold 'em strategy
- Locations of upcoming poker games
- Benefits of comfort height toilets
- Baby Vikings outfit for Sosie to take to Norway
- Husbands stuffing their garages with useless building materials
- Having your picture taken under an umbrella so it looks like a hat
- Getting leaks out of M'liss' much-loved camping trailer with gorilla tape
- Fraidy holes
A proposed discussion item on topical estrogen vs. oral estrogen was tabled by M'liss. Tonight's supper for Chuck or Stan did not come up.
Respectfully submitted.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
She's back at the beautiful St. Kate's
Steve Rolfsrud writes:
Dear Family and Friends:
Briggs has left the nest! Wednesday she and Bill returned to their apartment in St. Paul. Thursday she even returned to work on a very part-time basis at the College of St. Catherine.
She is working two hours a day, slowly trying to work herself back into condition. Her circadian sleep cycle remains quite skewed--although overall she is able to get adequate rest. She has learned to pace herself which seems to have resolved her recent bouts with nausea.
Two pelvic fractures remain unhealed yet, meaning that she remains limited to walking short distances--a problem solved by a special parking permit at work.
She's not allowed to lift anything, but that problem has been solved by her husband Bill's able back. Bill has also returned to work.
They continue their optimistic preparations for moving to Boston come Sept. 1.
Thanks for checking in.
Yes Sosie, it isn't Kansas anymore
Click on these images to enlarge.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sometimes you just gotta let go
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Larry Veeder always liked to draw
Photo: Rosalie Veeder (Larry's sister), Larry, Carolyn, his brother, David, and his wife, Linnea. Agnes and Sidney Veeder's fourth child, LeRoy, died in 2003.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hey! Wake Up, it's Wednesday!
Grandma just couldn't wait this morning and jumped into her new beetle car early to go and pick me up so Mom wouldn't have to bring me to Shakopee. Sometimes Grandma just can't help it. Mom works really hard at the big office in Eden Prairie so she appreciates when Grandma gets crazy for me. Big field trip to Jordan is scheduled for today. Grandma and Grandpa are directing the redecorating of the town's newspaper office and I get to go along. They say it will be a real neat replica 1940s Norman Rockwell newspaper office theme. Retro, way before I was ever born.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
No plans for summer softball yet

Dear Family and Friends:
No, Briggs won't be playing softball any time soon.
But her former high school softball teammate, Ty Ries, now living in San Francisco, and Ty's mother, Carol, stopped in this past weekend. This was the weekend of the Lake Nokomis triathlon that Briggs and Ty had both entered.
Unfortunately Briggs had to cancel. We haven't heard yet how Ty did.
Lately, Briggs has been having some very good days and then some not so good days, including nausea and pain, probably related to overdoing it a bit at times, thinking that she was further along than she is.
But today was a good day again. So as long as she paces herself better she should continue to improve. She did make it to Bill's parents' home in Buffalo for the weekend, but laid low most of the time while there.
She had been talking about going back to work in the next week or so, as she sees her orthopedic surgeon this week for a follow-up exam. But based on the recent ups and downs she may need to take it more slowly.
Bill is doing great--and will be heading back to work shortly.
Thanks for checking in.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
St. Paul Katie's back in action
And tonight's winner is. . .
Meanwhile, in Rapid City

Host Nancy writes: "Kevin and the kids are here for a couple days. Not represented are Louis, who hides when we get out the camera, and Pat, the photographer. Julie's older kids, Chris and Sheryl, weren't here. Chris is in Minneapolis, and Sheryl was working here in Rapid."
Friday, July 13, 2007
Ben & Jerry's?
That's Gerald's daughter, Pamela Maze, with her daughter, Caitlyn Rebecca, in the upper left photo. Caitlyn Rebecca is Rebecca Rolfsrud's great great granddaughter. Her mom has a master's in school psychology. On the right are Nancy and Gen, Gerald and Ben's wives. Below, Gerald and Nancy's daughter, Teresa, looked over some sage with JoHanna Weltzin. Lower right, Ben and Jerry's group got ready for its closeup.
This is Gerald Veeder, left, with his daughter, Teresa. The man in the middle is David Veeder. Here's where it gets complicated. David Veeder is Gerald Veeder's two-way cousin. David is Agnes Rolfsrud Veeder's son. Gerald is Rena Rolfsrud Veeder's son. The reason they are double cousins is that sisters Agnes and Rena married two brothers, Ben and Sidney Veeder in a double ring ceremony on May 29, 1930. They have confused family geneologists ever since. David and Gerald share genes from two distinct pools. And, while we are at it, to make things more confusing, there are a long line of Ben Veeders -- five I think. So the Ben Veeder you see in the top photo is the son of Ben Veeder. He is also the father of Ben Veeder -- who -- only has daughters, Heather, Megan and Dalynne.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Getting the Big Picture