Friday, November 30, 2007
Petunias planted, Virg working with the Lord
She's back. Finally.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Belize reprise from Sosie

On another day, we six traveled inland to two Mayan ruins, Lubaantun and Nim Li Punit. (Adam and Kim Jerdee are also Mayan ruin fans and plan to soon compare them to Egyptian pyramids.)

Cubans and Polaroids and Lorlee

Another fave from the Jerdee files
Monday, November 26, 2007
Virgil arrives safely in Tucson
Becky finds color, check out her link
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Belize pass Brenda's special buns

Despite tropical humidity that can break down shoe leather, (see photo of pickup truck, now planter) Brenda's cinnamon buns stood up for 30 days without softening much. We brought one of them home to use at a Miz Brenda Award ceremony as yet to be scheduled.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Let it snow, we'll make it go!

Shel & Kristi's new space shines
Friday, November 23, 2007
Grandfather, may we read a book now?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
All about Mom's turkey day!
Stan, Kathleen and Dan shared a noon seating at a buffet with something for everyone and then some.
We arrived at the Clearwater Suites at 11 a.m. (just as prompt as the Steve Rolfsruds, thank you) to see the work Becky and Linda had done to Mom's apartment. It was great!
Although she uses her walker most of the time, Mom decided it would be fine today to use the wheelchair. This we attempted, novices all, but eventually we got the Trumm Drug wheelchair assembled, popped Mom into it, and strolled and rolled to the Rendezvous.
A few snowflakes floated past as we made our way outdoors.
Between Mom in her wheelchair, Dan and his cane and Stan's tight shoes, we were thankful we were on our way to a sit-down dinner and not a relay race.
The Holiday Inn Dome is immense and they seem to pride themselves in putting out everything you've ever dreamed for Thanksgiving.
Mom, who has great teeth, got a nice salad with lots of crisp things in it. She enjoys these toothsome treats, she confided, because at the dining hall back home, the foods tend to be a little softer, to favor those not quite as well-endowed as mother.
Mom caught the eye of some folks she knows; the retired druggist (he's single now) and also her former neighbor on 10th Ave. Mom looked quite a sprite in her new red shirt.
The blueberry pie was judged to be superior to the pumpkin edition. Some thought the turkey perfect, others preferred the roast beef, but everyone seemed to like the swedish meatballs. Mashed potatoes with red skins, sweet potatoes or pilaf? Buns, bread or crackers? Green beans, corn on the cob, candied carrots or celery sticks? Pickled herring, pickled beets or pickles?
When the last big decision had finally been made and we were wiping our chins, mom offered to pick up the tab, but we valiantly protested, saying "No, no, not at all, Virgil is paying for everything."
We got back into the car. It was a little tougher this time because we didn't have a curb to give us an extra boost into the car, but we made it. Mom said she enjoyed driving around, we headed to her house to go pick up her car. Mom said she might have a tear when she saw the house she can't live in. It was nice of her to share that feeling. She smiled as we drove past the church she helped to start, the one that honored her last week on their 25th Anniversary.
She used her walker for that celebration, she said, but got some nice table service from appreciative fellow parishioners.
The 1997 Olds 88 started right up with its new battery. The odometer says 89,415. All the paperwork was still in the car. It's a V6 that sold for $23,000 new. It is now parked in the lot at Clearwater Suites. Mom can see it out her window. We'll be setting a price on it shortly and expect it to sell fast.
Back at Mom's place, she seemed a bit tuckered. We got coffee and cookies and visited a bit, wondering how the rest of the family was enjoying the day. We dashed off an email to them on her bedside computer. As we were doing so, we could see Mom's eyelids getting heavy.
Soon we were back on I-94 via Osakis. We're sure Mom had a very nice Thanksgiving today, and after a really tough year, we're all most grateful she did. Hope you had a good one too.