Checked the blog. Breakfast looks good. If we tried that outside today, the eggs would be real hard. Attached are a couple of pics from Cozumel. You might recognize these folks.
Tom & Sandy

I know ya’ll are anxious to hear how them kids are doin’ so I won’t waste your time. Them cowhands are doin’ just as fine as a cactus in the middle of a summer heatwave.
Miss Evelyn done finished investin’ another year in Girl Scouts and that’ll make six years of service for her. She is eleven years young and is also now in Junior High and is enjoyin’ goin’ out to dances and all but not without Tony too far away. Just in case ya’ missed it, she got the full Sheriff escort from her Pa who was much to happy to oblige her with transportation.
That Andy just keeps getting bigger and bigger everyday and is a powerhouse just like a locomotive. He just done turned five years young about two weeks ago and is just like his Pa when it comes to trains and cars and an occasional horse. He’ll be startin’ school in fall of ’08 and his Ma and Pa expect to be a hearing from his teachers about his ruffian ways. Don’t worry folks, even though he’s tough and rough he ain’t got no problem with the ladies. Yes sir, those gals be linin’ up to touch his hair and sit next to him. His favorite shirt says “Ladies Man” and I reckon it so.
Now comes the good part….me. I’ve been doing alright myself. Tony and Miss Yvonne thought I might like a lil’ company so they brought home a new cat as white as the sands in New Mexico. Her name is Snowflake according to Miss Evelyn and Snowball if you’re askin’ Andy, but I just like to call her mine. She’s a pretty young thing too!
We hope all of you good ladies and cowhands are doing good. Try and keep yourself well and give us a holler if ya’ feel like it!
Take care,
Your favorite cowcat, Cisco Brewer, and the whole Brewer gang.