Sunday, August 31, 2008
Virg: Your tee time is 10:17

Happy Birthday, Ron Letnes!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Really. A great time for everyone!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Before and After. . .
Trees planted on the Letnes homestead.
The barren landscape surrounding the new Letnes home in Blaine has succumbed to sod, plants and now trees, courtesy Linda's little brother, Steve, and her son, Steve. Yesterday a planting bee installed a blaze maple, two firebird crabapples and three techny arbor vitae. According to Uncle Steve, "Steven Richard provided the labor, Linda provided the direction, and I provided the technical supervision."
Terrific work, team. Says Linda: "Do they ever look great!"
We agree, there's just nothing like a tree.
Terrific work, team. Says Linda: "Do they ever look great!"
We agree, there's just nothing like a tree.

A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Have fun kids, summer's almost gone!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Minnesota State Fair 2008
..eight, nine, ten. . .
A kind reader might say, "Oh, how sweet, Grandpa bought Grandma a dozen roses," but the kind reader would be wrong. The roses were provided by Aunt Jennifer during her recent visit.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Upload from Jen's new Apple

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ford got the nursery painted. . .
Friday, August 22, 2008
Getting into the collegial groove
Actually, the photo above was taken on his Mankato aunt and uncle's leisure deck, overlooking the pond. They have put three through college and understand the stress and challenges facing a newly-minted freshman.
Below is Alex's roommate, Travis... and an unidentified friend. (It's still hard for Stan to get used to the idea that women are allowed in men's dorms. How ancient is that?) Becky is confident her son will soon buckle down and hit the books. He's already got a job.
Big rig on Rolfsrud homestead

Special assignments photographer Harold Rolfsrud turned in this fine work today. It's the oil rig drilling away on the Rolfsrud homestead over the Bakken Shale play in western North Dakota. They've been at it since August 1.
She had no idea they were farming above what some geologists believe is a larger oil reserve than Saudi Arabia.
Harold is her grandson and lives with his extended family just down the road from these photos. The homestead was abandoned years ago.
There are dozens of wells in the vicinity. Higher oil prices and new technology have made these old fields interesting to the oil companies again.
This site was homesteaded by our grandparents, Rebecca (Heide) and Nils Rolfsrud about a hundred years ago, beginning a tussle with the land that continues today. The equipment is located just a stone's throw from Clear Creek, where Rebecca stopped with other pioneers, washed her handkerchief and decided this was the place to call home.

(Nice work on the photos, Harold. If this farming thing doesn't work out, there may be an opportunity for you...)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Briggs back from China, see blog
Briggs is back from her teaching assignment in China and has updated the Bill and Briggs blog. There's photos and copy from the Far East. She had quite an adventure.
That's her in Tiananmen Square:
For the first three weeks Briggs was stationed at Hong Kong University with a teaching partner and 12 intelligent, ambitious, kind 15 year-old students.
Read the whole story by clicking on the link below.
Alex now at Mankato U
He's pictured here at his high school graduation with his pops, Virg.
Meanwhile, back in Eden Prairie, Ford Rolfsrud reports that Jenn and he are snug in the new abode. Nothing yet on their blog, but, hey, it's a busy time. School starts soon, gotta get to the Fair, there's golf in Belle Plaine, oh my. Before you know it, the baby's here.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lunch pals in St. Peter
Diane and her husband, Jerry, own the St. Peter Greenhouse. They bought it in 1970 and now three generations are represented there.
Here's the movie. Three minutes. Kathleen took all the pictures, picked the music and narrates too. You'll like the result, Steve.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Rolfsrud finishes Broadway performance

Erika keeps a blog. Here's an excerpt:

So now for an update: Check out the Review page for review snippets from the show's run. And coming up this fall, I will be playing Diane in Little Dog Laughed in St. Louis. It's been a great year so far... folks, I've been extraordinarily blessed!
Here's what the critics said about Erika:
"Becca, played with graceful force by Erika Rolfsrud..."-Sylviane Gold, New York Times, June 22,2008
"From the onset, Rolfsrud's calm exterior... masks an undercurrent of rage. Her lack of affect conveys more eloquently than words the depth of her despair. She is by turns resentful... defensive and desperate as she grapples to gain hold of something that will ease the pain."-Bernadette Johnson, www.inthespotlightinc.org, June 2008

"Rolfsrud is stellar as the tightly wound, anger-hiding and perfection seeking Becca."-Susan Hood, The Hartford Courant, June 13, 2008
"...[the] fine stage work is enhanced by Rolfsrud's quite remarkable performance... she creates a woman so intent on controlling her emotions and determined to 'see it through' on her own that you want to reach out, embrace her and draw away some of the pain. Yet Becca is not a one-dimensional character, and Rolfsrud's work allows the audience to see the flickers of the woman Becca was... who slowly reappears as Rolfsrud gracefully and intelligently loosens some of the emotional chains she has wound about her character."-Geary Danihy, www.ctcritics.org, June 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Pennant fever rising
The Minnesota Twins are back in first place today, prompting a nostalgic look at an August afternoon in 1987. Kathleen was on her lunch break from Carson Pirie Scott and Stan was goofing with his new 20 pound video camera when Kathleen picked the Twins to face the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series that fall. That's exactly what happened. 60 seconds.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Family friend clips his wings

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
C'mon, Grandma, I've been around
"Fruit." said Emily.
She wasn't born yesterday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Fair notice to Virg, Becky, -- Missy, et al
Ford and Jenn will be moving to Eden Prairie within the next two weeks. Briggs and Bill will be taking over their lease in Eagan when they get back from Boston. Not sure if everyone has enough help moving, but it never hurts to ask.
How many Rolfsruds can one town take? Check local ordinances.
How many Rolfsruds can one town take? Check local ordinances.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Boy-crazy rascals reunite
Lost & Found Dept.
Briggs viewing Olympic Water Polo

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Excitement at the Chanhassen

(There is no brass dancing pole... but there is a dance with a trombone and one with a BIG bass.)
Swing! is a loud, brassy musical revue celebrating the Swing era of Jazz through high-energy dancing, singing and acrobatics. Swing! opened on Broadway December 9, 1999 and enjoyed a 14-month run.
"I have never seen anything like it," Kathleen gushed.
Featuring the best singers, dancers and musicians the Twin Cities has to offer, Swing! will thrill audiences with the music of Duke Ellington ("It Don't Mean A Thing"), Benny Goodman ("Stompin' At The Savoy"), Count Basie ("Shout and Feel It"), Don Raye ("Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy"), Joe Garland ("In The Mood"), Johnny Mercer ("Blues In The Night"), Sammy Fain ("I'll Be Seeing You") and many, many more.

Not sure if conservative Mom and Dad would approve. They prohibited their children from doing any dancing in order to protect them from such overt excitement which might lead to to, well, you know, more excitement. Therefore, Stan is not qualified to review this event. You'll have to see it yourself.
Stan does know the rare tall dancer when he sees one. Photo at left of the most coordinated, skilled, with-it (est. 6 and a half feet) giant ever seen. St. Paul's towering Kevin Iverson has been dancing since he was eight.
(Photos: Act One, Too LTD)
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The Ladies Who Lunch, Unit #3
Unit #3 is particularly proud of itself for this singular achievement: it has official lunch club cards: take that, M'liss, Kathleen, Linda and Bev!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Agnes? Virgil? Marion? . . . Why?
If your parents had named you Solveig Agnes, would you feel you had a case? Virgil and Allen Marion don't think so. Stephen Paul just laughs on the sidelines. Here's three minutes of uncut, unedited nonsense from Stan and Kathleen's family dinner Tuesday night.
Read to me, Cousin Max. . .
Earlier today, Maxwell lined up with the family yardstick (Kathleen, 5 foot, nada) and proudly announced he is now taller than his grandmother.
According to childhood chum M'liss Switzer, this is a long-time Neilson tradition. The kids in the old St. Paul neighborhood would line up back-to-back against Kathleen's 4' 11" mother to check their progress toward maturity, thrilled when they were finally taller than an actual adult.
====Shel Silverstein grew up during Stan and Kathleen's era, but his books haven't waned in popularity. Where the Sidewalk Ends was published in 1974.
While he had a fantastic imagination, he was nonetheless a realist and a truth-teller and a believer in honest work. Stan loves this about him. A favorite:
Eddie touched a troll,
Laurie danced with witches once,
Charlie found some goblins' gold.
Donald heard a mermaid sing,
Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known
I've had to make myself.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Company's coming!
We'll be having America's Night In. Wines imported from California and a Red Shed in Iowa. Hot dish to pass. Family tales.
We'll be having America's Night In. Wines imported from California and a Red Shed in Iowa. Hot dish to pass. Family tales.
Sosie is on her pilgrimage to Alexandria this week, and will be joined there later by Becky and Linda. She will be driving Virg's luxury sedan.
Friday, August 01, 2008
A note from China. . .
Briggs Rolfsrud Siitari writes from her new summer job:
Hi, guys. I hope all is well with everyone.
We arrived in Hangzhou, in the Zhejing Province of China yetserday. Getting here was an ordeal. Our flight was cancelled. We heard rumors of a tropical storm...but then walked right by another flight direct to Hangzhou, so then we thought we must have been lied to. We hung out in the airport for a few hours, but I was lucky enough to find a massage place, so I was pretty happy hanging out all day. It felt amazing. I thi
nk it made the trip bearable for me, because I had been very uncomfortable up until that point. We wandered around the airport, then finally got a plane ride to Shanghai. We all traveled to a bus, where we could barely fit. While trying to fit all of our luggage on board, people were yelling furiously at us for a variety of reasons I didn't understand (because my Mandarin skills are lacking).
But, we made it, and took the bus on the three hour trip to Hangzhou.
Essentially, we left Hong Kong University at 8:30 am and arrived in Hangzhou at 11 pm. It was only supposed to be a few hour trip. Ugh. The saddest part of the whole thing is that they had a lot of fun activities planned for yesterday that we had to miss out on. Sigh. But, we ate a delicious meal full of vegetables and bean curd upon our arrival, so all were happy and healthy last night.
Today, we watched a presentation on China, then had lunch at a local pizza joint. Afterward, we played icebreakers with our co-fellows, and I had dinner with two of my students, named Elwin and Library. The kids choose their own names, and some of them are unusual, like Library, Memory, Spirit and Jupiter.
We have squatting toilets, meaning they are without a seat - just a hole in the ground. I will take a picture and show you. Also, the toilet hole is right next to the shower hole in our personal bathroom (though it is slightly elevated)..so that's a little weird and unsanitary.
Tomorrow, we go to West Lake, which is rumored to be beautiful. However, it is supposed to storm, so our trip may be truncated.
I am happy and healthy. My body wasn't sore today. Everyone has been great about assisting me with everything. Annie carried all of my luggage yesterday, and yelled at me every time I got near it. She's very funny and obviously kind. Michael, my teaching partner, and I have been working on our curriculum for this next adventure. We are going to do something totally different than before.... we're just not sure what it will be. I thought we could look at the pros and cons of big name universities in the west creating campuses abroad. Do they lose credibility by doing so? Should the curriculum change to accommodate the new nation's needs, or should it stay true to its 'home' campus? I thought these might be some interesting questions to ask my 18-19 year old students as they embark upon their first semester at college here at Zhejing University.
Miss you all!
Hi, guys. I hope all is well with everyone.
We arrived in Hangzhou, in the Zhejing Province of China yetserday. Getting here was an ordeal. Our flight was cancelled. We heard rumors of a tropical storm...but then walked right by another flight direct to Hangzhou, so then we thought we must have been lied to. We hung out in the airport for a few hours, but I was lucky enough to find a massage place, so I was pretty happy hanging out all day. It felt amazing. I thi
But, we made it, and took the bus on the three hour trip to Hangzhou.
Essentially, we left Hong Kong University at 8:30 am and arrived in Hangzhou at 11 pm. It was only supposed to be a few hour trip. Ugh. The saddest part of the whole thing is that they had a lot of fun activities planned for yesterday that we had to miss out on. Sigh. But, we ate a delicious meal full of vegetables and bean curd upon our arrival, so all were happy and healthy last night.
Today, we watched a presentation on China, then had lunch at a local pizza joint. Afterward, we played icebreakers with our co-fellows, and I had dinner with two of my students, named Elwin and Library. The kids choose their own names, and some of them are unusual, like Library, Memory, Spirit and Jupiter.
We have squatting toilets, meaning they are without a seat - just a hole in the ground. I will take a picture and show you. Also, the toilet hole is right next to the shower hole in our personal bathroom (though it is slightly elevated)..so that's a little weird and unsanitary.
Tomorrow, we go to West Lake, which is rumored to be beautiful. However, it is supposed to storm, so our trip may be truncated.
I am happy and healthy. My body wasn't sore today. Everyone has been great about assisting me with everything. Annie carried all of my luggage yesterday, and yelled at me every time I got near it. She's very funny and obviously kind. Michael, my teaching partner, and I have been working on our curriculum for this next adventure. We are going to do something totally different than before.... we're just not sure what it will be. I thought we could look at the pros and cons of big name universities in the west creating campuses abroad. Do they lose credibility by doing so? Should the curriculum change to accommodate the new nation's needs, or should it stay true to its 'home' campus? I thought these might be some interesting questions to ask my 18-19 year old students as they embark upon their first semester at college here at Zhejing University.
Miss you all!
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