Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Eighth Sacrament
Our neighbors, Tom and Sandy Story, returned Sunday from what Tom refers to as the Eighth Sacrament given to all Minnesotans: crossing the Mississippi at its source in Itasca State Park. Friday they packed up their oldest four novitiates and made way to the north country mecca. (There is a fifth grandchild in the photo at right, who is too young to take the sacrament but wanted to be in the picture anyway) Below is evidence of the baptism of their innocents. (There's a fifth devilish young man in the photo making signs with his fingers, ignore him.)
Fifty years ago, the Rolfsrud children made their pilgrimage to these headwaters as well, carefully stepping across the eight stations of The Source. That's Sosie dipping a tootsie.
Isn't it nice to know that everything in the world hasn't changed?
Fifty years ago, the Rolfsrud children made their pilgrimage to these headwaters as well, carefully stepping across the eight stations of The Source. That's Sosie dipping a tootsie.
Isn't it nice to know that everything in the world hasn't changed?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
With the famous baker. . .
Becky Lynn Rolfsrud got to the Minnesota State Fair and sends us this highlight: a visit with Marjorie Johnson, the famous 90-something baking queen who made an appearance with Jay Leno and, Martha Stewart. She's won thousands of ribbons, mostly blue. Kathleen will be jealous, Becky, she's often thought it would be nice to win a blue ribbon at the fair food building. Kathleen went to the Fair on Friday. Didn't see Becky Lynn there, tho. We'll have to try again next week during the upcoming nice weather we've been promised.
Let's see, which picture is of Martha Stewart with the little baker?
Let's see, which picture is of Martha Stewart with the little baker?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Anne Marie Hiebel checks in
Anne Marie attended Country School District #24 sixty years ago and she's joining in the fun identifying classmates. (She's seated in the far front right in the photo above.) Here's her note:
Hi Stan,
Just saw the picture of the District #24 students.
Here is the rundown of the names:
Row #1:
Doris Kluver, Roland Trousil, Linda Rolfsrud, Tommy Navratil, Charolette Forest, Wesley Hiebel, Roger Williams, ? Anderson (younger brother of Eric)
Row #2:
Warren Trousil, Sonja Trousil, Ruth Navratil, Eric Anderson, Duane Bartos, Irene Marquette, Joyce Kluver
Row #3:
Rosella Kluver, Evelyn Kluver, Becky Rolfsrud, Charles Klimek, LuAnn Bartos, Judy Myrvold
Row #4:
Anne Marie Hiebel, Dorothy Marquette, James Navratil, James Kluver, Garrell Batesole, Harvey Navratil
Thanks for posting this. I think it will be fun to see how many we can get together for a reunion in 2011?? Both of my older brothers attended #24 10 years ahead of me, so we know a few that are still around.
Anne (Hiebel) Tatum
Hi Stan,
Just saw the picture of the District #24 students.
Here is the rundown of the names:
Row #1:
Doris Kluver, Roland Trousil, Linda Rolfsrud, Tommy Navratil, Charolette Forest, Wesley Hiebel, Roger Williams, ? Anderson (younger brother of Eric)
Row #2:
Warren Trousil, Sonja Trousil, Ruth Navratil, Eric Anderson, Duane Bartos, Irene Marquette, Joyce Kluver
Row #3:
Rosella Kluver, Evelyn Kluver, Becky Rolfsrud, Charles Klimek, LuAnn Bartos, Judy Myrvold
Row #4:
Anne Marie Hiebel, Dorothy Marquette, James Navratil, James Kluver, Garrell Batesole, Harvey Navratil
Thanks for posting this. I think it will be fun to see how many we can get together for a reunion in 2011?? Both of my older brothers attended #24 10 years ahead of me, so we know a few that are still around.
Anne (Hiebel) Tatum
(Okay, everybody, how did Anne do?)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Some observations about the rural school photo
The 1951 schoolhouse was heated with coal. It was converted to oil in about 1954. Is that a hot air vent or a cold air return standing tall in the back of the room? Notice the classic lighting fixtures hanging from the high ceiling. When a bulb burned out, the District Chairman, Dick Williams, was summoned to change it by climbing a rickety stepladder kept in the cloakroom. The ceiling must have been at least 16 feet high, allowing for extremely tall windows, which provided plenty of light. When we had the occasional filmstrip show, it was quite a task getting the room dark enough to see the marvelous pictures provided through the county superintendent's office. In a rare nod to progress, eventually the district invested in real room-darkening shades.
Over the piano in the rear hangs a framed picture of the boundaries of School District 24. It hung there for years and appears in every annual photograph. A close inspection reveals that District 24 was an extremely gerrymandered political boundary. One can only speculate as to how it got that way during its 100 year history. In the 50s, it covered all the way from the Hiebels by the Alexandria airport to the Rolfsruds on Southeast Lake Andrew -- just a short distance from the Lake Mary schoolhouse. Wonder where that picture is now? (In the 1958? photo above, that's Mercy Peterson, Stan Rolfsrud, Edward Keller, Carol Navratil, Kathy Kakac and Linda Rolfsrud.)
Over the piano in the rear hangs a framed picture of the boundaries of School District 24. It hung there for years and appears in every annual photograph. A close inspection reveals that District 24 was an extremely gerrymandered political boundary. One can only speculate as to how it got that way during its 100 year history. In the 50s, it covered all the way from the Hiebels by the Alexandria airport to the Rolfsruds on Southeast Lake Andrew -- just a short distance from the Lake Mary schoolhouse. Wonder where that picture is now? (In the 1958? photo above, that's Mercy Peterson, Stan Rolfsrud, Edward Keller, Carol Navratil, Kathy Kakac and Linda Rolfsrud.)
Okay, Here's the official photo caption
Stan forgot to mention that Marilyn Kluver did a dandy job of labeling the District 24 School Kids 1951 photograph. So here's her label from the back of the picture that some have struggled mightily to identify.
Nice going, everybody, answers courtesy Marilyn and her son-in-law!
Nice going, everybody, answers courtesy Marilyn and her son-in-law!
More input on Country School picture
Linda Letnes (The Rolfsrud in row one) writes:
I think the first row is Mary Kluver, Roland Trousil, then me, Tom Navratil, possibly Charlotte Force, then Wesley Heibel. Warren Trousil was in second grade but might be starting the second row, I don't know who the boys are in the back of the first row. Ruth Navratil could be the third person in the second row (this girl looks like Carol N. who came later in Stan's class). I am guessing Duane is third to the last, then Irene Marquette and maybe Joyce Kluver.
In the third row there seem to be two Kluvers, Sally and Evelyn. Then Becky. I see LuAnn and maybe another Marquette. A lot of guessing, don't know the last row beyond Anne Marie. Doris isn't in this picture. She came the next year. LuAnn has it right. Becky left for "town school" in seventh grade. I spent eight years here.
The year I left, the school went back to grades one through six.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Oak Grove Country School, District 24, October 1951
Six grades of country kids taught by Neva Barsness, who is standing by the piano in the back. There are two Rolfsrud girls in the photo. The one in the center with the Dutch Girl hairdo is Rebecca. Is that Linda midway in the first row of desks? Who else? See if you can identify all these 60 somethings. (Click to enlarge photo)
LuAnn Bartos writes:
Hello Stan......
LuAnn Bartos writes:
Hello Stan......
Lorlee sent notice that the photo was on your family website. I also have this same photo, at the time I went to the county school #24, there was just six grades. I then went to "town school" after that for seventh and eighth grade. Duane was one year behind me. He went to seventh grade in Alex. THEN the country schools had to educate their students thru eighth grade, so Duane went back to #24 for eighth grade.
I am looking forward to a country school reunion. Anne Hiebel Tatum knows where many of the former pupils are living so we should start a contact list. Anne Marie was a year ahead of me.
Before next year, I plan to go to the Dounglas County Historical Society. They have some information online, but there is more there that is not online. It did say that #24 started in 1869. 1970 was the end of the country schools, so #24 was in existence for a hundred years!
Thanks for posting.......
LuAnn Bartos Schrader......
I am looking forward to a country school reunion. Anne Hiebel Tatum knows where many of the former pupils are living so we should start a contact list. Anne Marie was a year ahead of me.
Before next year, I plan to go to the Dounglas County Historical Society. They have some information online, but there is more there that is not online. It did say that #24 started in 1869. 1970 was the end of the country schools, so #24 was in existence for a hundred years!
Thanks for posting.......
LuAnn Bartos Schrader......
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lunch with the boss
Retired publisher-emeritus Stan Rolfsrud had lunch today with Mark Weber, the general manager of Southwest Newspapers, the company that Stan used to run. They talked a little newspaper business so that Mark could pick up the tab.
The tab wasn't that much, because the newspaper has a traffic-building email-only promotion called "What's For Lunch" featuring short-lived killer non-menu specials that you have to mention to your waiter to get. They ordered it. Today's pizza burgers, fries and a pickle cost just $5 . . and that may have included a soft drink. These are encouraging developments for seniors on fixed incomes.
The promotion is just one of many innovations newspaper publishers must experiment with during tough times in a declining industry. Stan commended Mark for his efforts, as his operation continues to stand out as one of the best in the business.
Mostly, though, Mark and Stan talked about their dogs and where they'd like to take their wives on vacation. Upon leaving, Mark, ever the dry wit, asked Stan if he still owned a pair of long pants.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Henry and Lena Kluver's farmhouse
The note on the back of this photograph reads:
This is the Henry and Lena Kluver farm house in Lake Mary Township, Alexandria, Minnesota. The people in the picture are: Herman Ell, Sophia Ell, Martha Steinhorst, Walter Ell and Alwina Ell. These people owned the farm when this photo was taken. They sold it to William and Mary Deluhery who in turn sold it to Henry and Lena Kluver on Dec. 31, 1946.
This farmhouse eventually burned down, but its memories linger with the Rolfsrud children. That's because Henry and Lena had 14 kids, aged all around the Rolfsrud six. Whenever the Rolfsruds were bored, they could ask parental permission to walk the mile to this Kluver home where there was always something to do and where you always felt welcomed. They just showed up to play unannounced, there was no telephone. They played together in the house, in the grove, in the haymow, behind the corn crib. The Kluvers didn't have much in those days but they shared everything they had. Water came from an outside pump house located approximately where the photo above was taken. Heat came from a wood-burning cookstove. When she had enough sugar, Lena would make them brownies. The Kluvers had a long, long convoluted driveway. When it was time to go, one of the Kluvers would invariably offer to "fetch" their guests to the very end of it, a simple gift of companionship that was always accepted.
So many times over the years, Stan has driven past that long and convoluted driveway. Saturday he was breezing about town for his class reunion, a time of nostalgia and interest in the past. So this time, on a chance, he drove that long zig-zag driveway unannounced, remembering each turn, wondering what he would find at its end.
He found a newer ranch home with a man on his back, painting a red Farmall tractor parked on the apron of a detached garage.
"Are there any Kluvers living around here," Stan asked the burly, crew-cut man in a sleeveless tee-shirt.
"Who wants to know," he responded brusquely, hardly looking up from his work.
Stan scrambled for words that would assure the man that he wasn't selling magazines or Jesus Christ.
"My name is Stan Rolfsrud, I am an old family friend. I played with Roger, Marlow, Doris, Mary, Rosella, Jimmy. . ." rattling off as many names as came to mind. "And I want to offer my sympathies on the passing of Delbert..."
The ice was broken. The man smiled broadly now.
"Oh, you'll want to speak to Marilyn, his widow, she's in the house," he offered, now giving Stan his full attention.
Sure enough, an elderly woman, looking to be about Delbert's age, was heading out the door on an errand. Introductions were made on the sidewalk, the conversation was joined and a delightful flood of memories spilled out.
Her name is Marilyn Johnson Kluver. She didn't attend country school with any Rolfsruds, but she was in the first graduating class from Jefferson High School in Alexandria. She did remember Erling Rolfsrud and had kind things to say, though he never taught her English. Erling did teach her daughter ninth grade English, however. And Marilyn has a North Dakota book written by Erling, it was autographed, she said.
Inviting Stan to come into her house, Marilyn turned out to be a trove of old photographs and memories.
Among many treasures, she has the 1951 photograph of the Oak Grove School District one room country school where Stan's oldest sister is seated among area farm kids of all ages. In the Kluver tradition, Marilyn gave Stan a copy of it to keep, and we'll feature it here soon.
Marilyn Kluver and her son-in-law. Delbert and Marilyn had five girls. This was Delbert's 1954 Farmall "H", being lovingly restored by his son-in-law. These Farmalls were a common sight in our youth, our neighbors, the Trousils, had two. Stan isn't sure if the man in the photo is Tim or Kevin or one of the other sons-in-law, because Stan is losing his reporting skills and didn't get all the facts.
This is the Henry and Lena Kluver farm house in Lake Mary Township, Alexandria, Minnesota. The people in the picture are: Herman Ell, Sophia Ell, Martha Steinhorst, Walter Ell and Alwina Ell. These people owned the farm when this photo was taken. They sold it to William and Mary Deluhery who in turn sold it to Henry and Lena Kluver on Dec. 31, 1946.

So many times over the years, Stan has driven past that long and convoluted driveway. Saturday he was breezing about town for his class reunion, a time of nostalgia and interest in the past. So this time, on a chance, he drove that long zig-zag driveway unannounced, remembering each turn, wondering what he would find at its end.
He found a newer ranch home with a man on his back, painting a red Farmall tractor parked on the apron of a detached garage.
"Are there any Kluvers living around here," Stan asked the burly, crew-cut man in a sleeveless tee-shirt.
"Who wants to know," he responded brusquely, hardly looking up from his work.
Stan scrambled for words that would assure the man that he wasn't selling magazines or Jesus Christ.
"My name is Stan Rolfsrud, I am an old family friend. I played with Roger, Marlow, Doris, Mary, Rosella, Jimmy. . ." rattling off as many names as came to mind. "And I want to offer my sympathies on the passing of Delbert..."
The ice was broken. The man smiled broadly now.
"Oh, you'll want to speak to Marilyn, his widow, she's in the house," he offered, now giving Stan his full attention.
Sure enough, an elderly woman, looking to be about Delbert's age, was heading out the door on an errand. Introductions were made on the sidewalk, the conversation was joined and a delightful flood of memories spilled out.
Her name is Marilyn Johnson Kluver. She didn't attend country school with any Rolfsruds, but she was in the first graduating class from Jefferson High School in Alexandria. She did remember Erling Rolfsrud and had kind things to say, though he never taught her English. Erling did teach her daughter ninth grade English, however. And Marilyn has a North Dakota book written by Erling, it was autographed, she said.
Inviting Stan to come into her house, Marilyn turned out to be a trove of old photographs and memories.
Among many treasures, she has the 1951 photograph of the Oak Grove School District one room country school where Stan's oldest sister is seated among area farm kids of all ages. In the Kluver tradition, Marilyn gave Stan a copy of it to keep, and we'll feature it here soon.
Marilyn Kluver and her son-in-law. Delbert and Marilyn had five girls. This was Delbert's 1954 Farmall "H", being lovingly restored by his son-in-law. These Farmalls were a common sight in our youth, our neighbors, the Trousils, had two. Stan isn't sure if the man in the photo is Tim or Kevin or one of the other sons-in-law, because Stan is losing his reporting skills and didn't get all the facts.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Four-year-old attention span
Aunt Sosie's vitamins (which look a bit like candy) proved far more interesting this morning than a game of Go Fish. Emily and Sosie enjoyed a moment of counting and identifying the discreet items before Grandma made everybody breakfast. (Too bad too, Grandpa had three of a kind and was ready to make a book of Goldfish)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wild ricing, worming
Our daughter, Jennifer, has been wild ricing the past week. Here she is with her paddle and her pants taped snug to the ankles. She's been out wild ricing three times now near her new Nisswa, Minnesota headquarters. She's out in a ricing canoe with an expert, but so far hasn't reaped the harvest. . . just a lot of the local worms. We'll let her explain:
Hi Mom and Stan,
Wild ricing was fun even though we essentially struck out three times. We got rained out the first day, started the second day paddling into a patch that had been worked already, and then drove an hour North to find a really, really good thick patch that is about two weeks from ripening.
Hi Mom and Stan,
Wild ricing was fun even though we essentially struck out three times. We got rained out the first day, started the second day paddling into a patch that had been worked already, and then drove an hour North to find a really, really good thick patch that is about two weeks from ripening.
Three strikes and still it was so fun. Here are the photos.
Love you,
(Photo at right) Jen says: "Tom Carlson is the Gondolier. Er, that's what they call it in Italy, I forget the official ricing terminology."
Love you,
(Photo at right) Jen says: "Tom Carlson is the Gondolier. Er, that's what they call it in Italy, I forget the official ricing terminology."
Jen says there is absolutely nothing romantic about ricing. These worms are climbing her pant leg. They tape their pants over their shoes.
That's our girl, wild ricer still in search of the mother lode.
Breaking today in Alexandria
Sosie, Virg and Becky Lynn are in Alexandria today, on a romp with Mother B. Here is Sosie's report and photo dispatched by I-phone moments ago:
Lunch at Rudy's was followed by a driving tour to Lembke's on Lake Carlos (where we used to play Authors as children with Will and Isabelle), a view of both of the golf courses at Arrowwood (which were constructed almost single-handedly by Virg and Steve, according to our tour guide), and then on to the Carlos Creek Winery. At the winery, we found our way out of the largest permanent maze in the United States, drove thru the vineyard, admired the creative art, and examined the lawn chess set.
Lunch at Rudy's was followed by a driving tour to Lembke's on Lake Carlos (where we used to play Authors as children with Will and Isabelle), a view of both of the golf courses at Arrowwood (which were constructed almost single-handedly by Virg and Steve, according to our tour guide), and then on to the Carlos Creek Winery. At the winery, we found our way out of the largest permanent maze in the United States, drove thru the vineyard, admired the creative art, and examined the lawn chess set.
(Good report, Sosie. Interesting association with wine, mother and a large maze. Glad you all made it out - Stan)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Dinner at four, five, six
Tired, hungry and out of sorts after a brutal round of morning golf, Stan opted to not join his sister and wife this afternoon on their trip with brother Virgil around Lake Minnetonka, with a stop at a lovely park and dinner in Wayzata.
Instead, he went to the couch after a discussion with Kathleen about what to make for a late lunch. Since he'll be fasting tonight and tomorrow morning in anticipation of a visit to the VA hospital, he thought something substantial would be in order.
"How about a Marie Calander chicken pot pie," Kathleen suggested. It does take an hour or so, but I can wait, Stan said. With that, he fluffed a pillow on the porch couch in anticipation of a nice nap.
As she prepared to leave with Solveig, Kathleen stuck her head into the porch. "I preheated the oven and I put the pie in," she volunteered sweetly. "When the dinger goes off, it will be ready."
(Stan could have done this for himself, of course, but Kathleen is a bit old-fashioned when it comes to feeding. Stan doesn't mind.)
Kathleen and Sosie left, and Stan fell asleep with one ear tuned to the oven. An hour and five minutes later, he was dinged into the kitchen.
There he found an oven heated to 400 degrees. . . with nothing in it. Sure enough, out on the counter sat Marie Calander's pie, just starting to melt.
Greatly disappointed, Stan tried to recall what Kathleen had said when she left. She did say she put the pie in the oven, or did she? No matter.
Stan hit the reset button on the oven, ran the timer up to and hour and five minutes and stuck the pie in the oven, grabbing some kitchen nuts to assuage his still growing hunger. He went back to the couch.
An hour later, he was dinged awake. He could almost smell the pot pie. Almost.
He went to the oven with anticipation. Unfortunately, in his frustration to reset the oven he had started the timer. . . but shut off the oven.
The pie, though completely melted after all this, was far from cooked.
Frustrated and famished, Stan reset the oven to 425 . . . and stuck in a 10-minute cardboard pizza.
Sosie, Virg, Becky and Kathleen enjoyed dinner at the 318 Restaurant in Excelsior. When Kathleen and Sosie got home, everyone had a big laugh.
Instead, he went to the couch after a discussion with Kathleen about what to make for a late lunch. Since he'll be fasting tonight and tomorrow morning in anticipation of a visit to the VA hospital, he thought something substantial would be in order.
"How about a Marie Calander chicken pot pie," Kathleen suggested. It does take an hour or so, but I can wait, Stan said. With that, he fluffed a pillow on the porch couch in anticipation of a nice nap.
As she prepared to leave with Solveig, Kathleen stuck her head into the porch. "I preheated the oven and I put the pie in," she volunteered sweetly. "When the dinger goes off, it will be ready."
(Stan could have done this for himself, of course, but Kathleen is a bit old-fashioned when it comes to feeding. Stan doesn't mind.)
Kathleen and Sosie left, and Stan fell asleep with one ear tuned to the oven. An hour and five minutes later, he was dinged into the kitchen.
There he found an oven heated to 400 degrees. . . with nothing in it. Sure enough, out on the counter sat Marie Calander's pie, just starting to melt.
Greatly disappointed, Stan tried to recall what Kathleen had said when she left. She did say she put the pie in the oven, or did she? No matter.
Stan hit the reset button on the oven, ran the timer up to and hour and five minutes and stuck the pie in the oven, grabbing some kitchen nuts to assuage his still growing hunger. He went back to the couch.
An hour later, he was dinged awake. He could almost smell the pot pie. Almost.
He went to the oven with anticipation. Unfortunately, in his frustration to reset the oven he had started the timer. . . but shut off the oven.
The pie, though completely melted after all this, was far from cooked.
Frustrated and famished, Stan reset the oven to 425 . . . and stuck in a 10-minute cardboard pizza.
Sosie, Virg, Becky and Kathleen enjoyed dinner at the 318 Restaurant in Excelsior. When Kathleen and Sosie got home, everyone had a big laugh.
Collegiate appetite
Alex Rolfsrud brought a college-level appetite to dinner in Mankato Saturday night much to the delight of a gathering of his uncles and aunts. Another highlight of the lovely dinner there was the backyard begonias, captured here by Kathleen. Many neighborhood plants and buildings were struck by hail earlier this month, with signs of damage still everywhere.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Another Rolfsrud promotion!
Shana Erickson expands role with Swimming & Diving
Shana Erickson
Before joining the St. Kate's program, Erickson coached for several years at the collegiate and club level in Minnesota and Colorado. A 2001 graduate of Concordia College, Erickson is a two-time All-American and a five-time MIAC champion. Erickson remains an active competitor, competing in road races and triathlons, completing an Ironman triathlon in 2005.
Erickson takes the reins from Nicole Hempler, who will remain with the team as the Associate Head Coach. Hempler was at the helm of the WIldcat's swimming & diving program for eight seasons, guiding the team to their highest ever MIAC placing in 2009-10. Hempler was named MIAC Coach of the Year in 2008-09 after the Wildcats set eight school records and posted three national list performances during the MIAC meet.
The move allows Hempler to expand her administrative role within the athletic department where she also serves as the Assistant Director of the Butler Center. Athletic Director Eric Stacey said of the move, "This shift allows us to have two passionate leaders associated with our swimming and diving program. Shana will bring a great energy to her new role and I am confident that she will build on the team's recent success."
(Shana is Stan's niece by his sister, Linda. Congratulations Shana!)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
An arrangement for a very special customer
Among other things these days, our daughter, Jennifer, creates floral arrangements for the finest flower shop in all of Nisswa, Minnesota.
A couple days ago, her boss, who was in on a secret, came to her and said: please make up this order for delivery before 3 p.m. -- use your imagination, this customer loves wildflowers.
Straight away, Jennifer went to work, choosing just the right ingredients for a lovely display. She finished it on schedule and watched her boss whisk it out for immediate delivery.
Later that rainy evening, Jennifer arrived home with her boyfriend, Joe, and there on the counter was this stunning bouquet from Joe -- she had unknowingly created it for herself!
A couple days ago, her boss, who was in on a secret, came to her and said: please make up this order for delivery before 3 p.m. -- use your imagination, this customer loves wildflowers.
Straight away, Jennifer went to work, choosing just the right ingredients for a lovely display. She finished it on schedule and watched her boss whisk it out for immediate delivery.
Later that rainy evening, Jennifer arrived home with her boyfriend, Joe, and there on the counter was this stunning bouquet from Joe -- she had unknowingly created it for herself!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Fancy footwork
Sosie Shearer has hit town! She flew in last night from the Coast and first order of business this morning was a luxury, deluxe pedicure for Sosie and her hostess, Kathleen, at the Nails Lovely emporium in beautiful Shakopee. The treatment includes trimming and cleaning, a sea-salt scrub, warm towel wrap, and oiled massage, all the while enjoying deep, penetrating sensations from the comfy Shiatsu massage chairs. Crowning touch for Kathleen was a stunning Purple Dawn coat finished with flowers and sparkling highlights. Sosie opted for the Deep Passion Red application with an intricate floral display topped with green rhinestones. The photo with Anna (left) and Le was taken by the gracious host, shown at right with the laughing Buddha.
Tonight four pampered feet will make their first public appearances at the Nancy and Steve Family Buffet in Mankato.
Tonight four pampered feet will make their first public appearances at the Nancy and Steve Family Buffet in Mankato.
A South Dakota relative marries. . .
Kevin and Susan were married Thursday in Lead, South Dakota. Kevin Clary is the son of Beverly Rolfsrud's niece, Phyllis Poignee. Kevin's sister, Nancy Clary of Rapid City, sends along this note and photo:
Attached are a few photos from Kevin and Susan's wedding on Aug 12th
in Lead at the city park by the Open Cut. It was a great time, very
informal, and a beautiful day!
Attached are a few photos from Kevin and Susan's wedding on Aug 12th
in Lead at the city park by the Open Cut. It was a great time, very
informal, and a beautiful day!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Busy morning on Fairhaven
Rain drenched the neighborhood AGAIN last night. Stan dreamed about bundles of newspapers being soaked all the way through and useless before he awoke to realize it was just an open window with the rain pouring outside and he wasn't in the newspaper business anymore so he didn't have anything to worry about anyway. Others had their problems this morning, however. Stan and Emily walked the area and found lots to see and do. In the photo above, Eric and Duane are busy pumping water off of Stonebrooke No. 12 and 13. Birdie is makes acquaintance with Rocket, the neighbor's new puppy and Emily checked out the leaky hoses. Here's a link to all the flood photos we took this morning.
No. 15 on Stonebrooke is hard enough on a dry day. Today it features an island green.
No. 15 on Stonebrooke is hard enough on a dry day. Today it features an island green.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Whirlwind grandchild visit
Stan's sister, Linda and husband Ron enjoyed their grandchildren last weekend when her eldest daughter drove in from their home in Colorado with her husband and their family. They stopped to see Great-grandma Bev in Alexandria and conducted numerous other activities before returning to their landscaping business in Colorado.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Too late. . .
If you had your eye on that beautiful Bowflex training machine that we listed on Craigslist, well, you're too late. Katie and Rick from Shakopee snapped it up yesterday and it has probably already seen more exercise than we gave it in a year. They're both in great shape now and intend to stay that way on their new home gym. Good thinking. There's a baby on the way --- which tends to disrupt training schedules and keep you at home. We're happy to start over with some other, easier, device. Maybe one that exercises for you? We are glad our lonely machine went to a good home.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Traditional bloomers
What's the secret to making an African Violet bloom? Patience and family ties, apparently. Kathleen has tried repeatedly to get one to bloom in a kitchen window like her mother always did, but without much success. (One thing we do know, you must pour the water into the saucer, not the pot.) Grandma Blethen was actually the real expert. She would often come calling and replace Grandma Florence's dull Africans with fresh, blooming ones rotated from her own kitchen window. So this is just family tradition. Recently daughter Melissa presented Kathleen with a new candidate and, mirable dictu, we have ignition. This little sweetie now watches over our kitchen. At last.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Accident claims Carl Underwood
Retired Iowa farmer Carl Underwood died Friday when a tractor mower he was operating tipped, drowning him in a water-filled ditch near his rural home.
Mr. Underwood is the father of David Underwood and father-in-law to Stan's niece, Amy. Amy and Dave's two boys, Hunter and Blake, are often featured on this blog.
We join with the family in mourning the shocking loss of their dear father and grandfather.
Carl Underwood
Mr. Underwood is the father of David Underwood and father-in-law to Stan's niece, Amy. Amy and Dave's two boys, Hunter and Blake, are often featured on this blog.
We join with the family in mourning the shocking loss of their dear father and grandfather.
Carl Underwood
Carl Underwood, 73, of Ollie, died as the result of an accident at his home August 6, 2010.
He was born near Ainsworth, IA September 6, 1936, the son of Milbern R. and Julia M. Koehler Underwood.
Carl was a young boy when his family moved to Ollie, where he grew up, attended school and graduated from Ollie High School in 1956. He married Jonita Baker on June 2, 1957, in Richland. They celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2007.
Carl was a lifelong farmer and retired in 2003. He was a member of Prairie View United Methodist Church and Packwood Lions Club. Carl enjoyed working as a carpenter and in his spare time liked to boat and water ski.
Carl is survived by his wife, Jonita, daughters: Julie Underwood of Runnells and Carla (Ron) Erwin of Nashua, IA, son, David (Amy) Underwood of West Des Moines, five grandchildren, two brothers: Richard (Beverly) Underwood of Ollie and Don (Janice) Underwood of Coralville, and many nieces and nephews. His parents and son Dwight preceded him in death.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday, August 10, 2010, at Prairie View United Methodist Church near Ollie with Rev. David Peterson, Rev. Jane Jordan and Rev. Denny Coon officiating.
Carl is survived by his wife, Jonita, daughters: Julie Underwood of Runnells and Carla (Ron) Erwin of Nashua, IA, son, David (Amy) Underwood of West Des Moines, five grandchildren, two brothers: Richard (Beverly) Underwood of Ollie and Don (Janice) Underwood of Coralville, and many nieces and nephews. His parents and son Dwight preceded him in death.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday, August 10, 2010, at Prairie View United Methodist Church near Ollie with Rev. David Peterson, Rev. Jane Jordan and Rev. Denny Coon officiating.
Burial will be in the Ollie Cemetery. Visitation at Prairie View United Methodist Church will open at 4:00 P.M. Monday, the family will be present 6-8:00 P.M. Monday evening.
Memorials to Prairie View United Methodist Church or the Ollie Volunteer First Responders may be left at the church or mailed to the family at 26224 320th Street, Ollie, IA-52576.
Arrangements are in the care of Gould Funeral Home, Richland.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Kitchen table politics
Out with the old. . .
It was a big day at the markets today, furniture markets that is. For 10 years, Stan and Kathleen have wanted a non-white kitchen table and chairs. The white set came to Shakopee from the white kitchen in Eden Prairie. Durable as hell but never looked right in the darker-woods Shakopee kitchen. We just never got around to doing anything about it.
Last night we delivered the white kitchen set to Danny Martin's retro apartment to complete his new Shakopee bachelor pad (above). It looked just great on the white tile with his white appliances.
But now we were left with no kitchen set of our own. We had turned up nothing suitable at Schneiderman's, HOM, Gabberts and Room & Board. Diligent internet searches (would you really buy furniture sight unseen?) and Craigslist hunts were fruitless.
This morning at 6 a.m., pajama-ed Stan glimpsed a tv ad for some outfit called "Furniture &Things," googled it, printed out their 10 percent off ad, and before you could say "coffee to go" we were in the Rendezvous heading north across the Mississippi to Coon Rapids.
In with the new. . .
About 40 miles upstream we discovered a remarkably well-stocked middle-class furniture house with a grouping of excellent wooden candidates. We told the portly gentleman that we had journeyed from the southwest, seeking a counter-height table and chairs, rectangle, no leaf, 48x36, and that it didn't have to last forever, like our round white one did. He said fine, he wasn't on commission, and soon one turned up on his computer --- it was $179, when you included our homemade coupon. With four chairs it came to about $550. If we picked it up ourselves at his Anoka warehouse, we could save another $100. (They REALLY didn't want to drive it out to Shakopee, we figured)
We pulled the trigger. By 2 p.m. we were home from our 100-mile adventure, had the table unloaded, assembled and leg bottoms padded, and were enjoying our first submarine sandwich on it.
Oh yes. . .
While we were at Furniture & Things we saw the cutest little matching marble-top thing for $500, bringing our total bill to $1000 and change. We careful shoppers do have our uncontrollable impulses, you know, and we think this is darn cute. Do you?
It was a big day at the markets today, furniture markets that is. For 10 years, Stan and Kathleen have wanted a non-white kitchen table and chairs. The white set came to Shakopee from the white kitchen in Eden Prairie. Durable as hell but never looked right in the darker-woods Shakopee kitchen. We just never got around to doing anything about it.
Last night we delivered the white kitchen set to Danny Martin's retro apartment to complete his new Shakopee bachelor pad (above). It looked just great on the white tile with his white appliances.
But now we were left with no kitchen set of our own. We had turned up nothing suitable at Schneiderman's, HOM, Gabberts and Room & Board. Diligent internet searches (would you really buy furniture sight unseen?) and Craigslist hunts were fruitless.
This morning at 6 a.m., pajama-ed Stan glimpsed a tv ad for some outfit called "Furniture &Things," googled it, printed out their 10 percent off ad, and before you could say "coffee to go" we were in the Rendezvous heading north across the Mississippi to Coon Rapids.
In with the new. . .
About 40 miles upstream we discovered a remarkably well-stocked middle-class furniture house with a grouping of excellent wooden candidates. We told the portly gentleman that we had journeyed from the southwest, seeking a counter-height table and chairs, rectangle, no leaf, 48x36, and that it didn't have to last forever, like our round white one did. He said fine, he wasn't on commission, and soon one turned up on his computer --- it was $179, when you included our homemade coupon. With four chairs it came to about $550. If we picked it up ourselves at his Anoka warehouse, we could save another $100. (They REALLY didn't want to drive it out to Shakopee, we figured)
We pulled the trigger. By 2 p.m. we were home from our 100-mile adventure, had the table unloaded, assembled and leg bottoms padded, and were enjoying our first submarine sandwich on it.
Oh yes. . .
While we were at Furniture & Things we saw the cutest little matching marble-top thing for $500, bringing our total bill to $1000 and change. We careful shoppers do have our uncontrollable impulses, you know, and we think this is darn cute. Do you?
Friday, August 06, 2010
Desperate escape attempt from the Tickle Machine
Despite what seems to be the symptoms of a summer cold, Emily ran non-stop with a full day of activities. She must have had a good time. We're pooped.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
And a good time was had by all . ..
Potluck at The Cooks. Even the invitation sounds like a winning proposition. And last night it was. About two dozen Abbey Pointers showed up at the Cooks for the second annual Salmon BBQ provided by Joe and Mina Daly. Everyone brought in a dish to pass, but the highlight was out on the ivied back deck where learned menfolk prodded and fussed over the Daly catch on three grills before serving it up in a perfect condition.
The massive slabs (One fish so monstrous it had required the strength of both Dalys just to boat it) were given two disparate treatments: one group received a spicer chutney-olive oil glaze, the other a more traditional slathering of butter, lemon, garlic and dill. Both were equally praised and devoured by the hungry neighborhood. The Cooks once again proved to be most gracious hosts. Laughter abounded, conversation ranged from the mundane to the curious: "Just who is that man smoking in his van early mornings at the end of our street?"
Those wishing to see an album of two year's worth of salmon parties at the Cooks should click here.
The massive slabs (One fish so monstrous it had required the strength of both Dalys just to boat it) were given two disparate treatments: one group received a spicer chutney-olive oil glaze, the other a more traditional slathering of butter, lemon, garlic and dill. Both were equally praised and devoured by the hungry neighborhood. The Cooks once again proved to be most gracious hosts. Laughter abounded, conversation ranged from the mundane to the curious: "Just who is that man smoking in his van early mornings at the end of our street?"
Those wishing to see an album of two year's worth of salmon parties at the Cooks should click here.
Or, if you prefer, watch this tiny slide show of the same photos.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
A dish to pass. . .
Big night at the neighbors tonight. Annual potluck dinner featuring the fresh salmon caught by Joe and Mina in Lake Michigan. Here's Kathleen's ticket. Below is a snap of the ladies from last year.
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