A two-year-old refrigerator shouldn't rattle like a John Deere on idle. Ours does.
Fortunately, there's a simple fix. We jammed a dish rag between the cabinet wall and the fridge and got immediate relief. That's going to have to be good enough for the time being until we've worked our way deeper into the job jar. We're thinking that eventually if we tighten or loosen one of the adjustable legs it will shift enough weight to chase out the rattle. Wait and see.
In the meantime, we've got phone calls and mail to answer.
There's this note from Stan's sister Sosie out in California who has ordered a chandelier for their vintage project house in Ohio and called to talk about it. Also, Cousin Harold called from North Dakota where he's had another hip replaced and now has taken time from his summer tractor duties to recuperate and call relatives. We agreed he should drive here soon to see a Twins game at Target Field, now that the boys are making something of themselves. Stan suggested getting a group together, big enough to have it announced on the public address system. The retired Norwegian farmer thought that might be a bit bold, and wants no public displays.
Later, this note from Sosie arrived in the mailbag, thanking Stan for saving her $100.
Read on:
So we were talking about our various DIY projects and I mentioned the light fixtures we bought for here (contemporary) and Ohio (Queen Anne Victorian). That the crystal chandelier would be shipped for free to Ohio.
"Watch out for complicated assembly," you warned, and you referenced a neighbor who had experienced angst over such a purchase/project.
Well warned, I went to the Internet for information, if not solace. On the Lamps Plus website, there was no mention of assembly instructions for our selected chandelier. The only reviewer (from Pasadena, CA) stated that the chandelier was "Beautiful" and the bulbs easy to change. The reviewer was so pleased with the price and beauty that he/she planned to buy a second one. Hmmm, if there is assembly, Pasadena didn't mention any problems.
Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. Pasadena could be an assembly genius.

But then today, I open my iPad and the software obligingly updates the website address. And guess what? Our selected chandelier is on a "Today Only" sale for $100 less. I make my phone calls, and yes, once the order is fulfilled and the chandelier safely arrived in Ohio, I will be refunded $100. I have 60 days to ensure the transaction.
Thank you Stan. For the cost of anticipating assembly angst, I get $100.
Not bad for a retiree.
Stan responded:
Will you be using the $100 to hire an assembler, or are you now convinced you and Bill can put the Queen Anne masterpiece together?
I spoke to Cousin Harold yesterday. He just had a hip replaced and is sitting around the new house in Bismarck, eager to be useful. He can assemble a transmission on a John Deere tractor and slip new rings into an engine block. A chandelier should be a no-brainer. Perhaps you could drop ship one to him for quick assembly. Although, as I now recall, he may be missing a thumb on the right hand, which could be problematic for hanging tiny crystals.
Just a thought. Any ideas on a rattling refrigerator?