Sister Sosie writes from California: Great to see your updates this morning. A welcome diversion from my Oracle work. Of course, I must persist with questions and comments to avoid such work a bit longer.
In the Las Cruces picture, did your editor seal newspapers in plastic to display in that iron holder (left side of picture)? Is it shrinkwrap or poured acrylic? Is this so he can break one out when homesick for the job, or are these a special inheritance lined up for the deserving?
[Solveig-- I didn't get that detail. Jim was an editor for the Providence R. I. Journal so it might be one of those. Maybe he'll look at this and respond. Stan]
Nice to see your IKEA chairs still have their "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of US Law" tags in place. Good citizens that you are.
Timothy's cousin is correct. I always dump out liquids before disposing of the rare styrofoam cup that makes it into my hands. I'm a better citizen than you are.
What's your Tucson mailing address? I've had a package ready to go on the kitchen counter since Tuesday. I did email Virgil for the address some time ago, but you know how irresponsible youngest children usually turn out.