World class tennis doubles team Leno Masolini and his pupil, Steve Rolfsrud, were scheduled to compete this morning in a match in Tucson. As yet there has been no report as to the outcome. This generally bodes poorly, as both Leno and Steve are usually quick to report success.
The connection has been set on autoreply for the past week so its use is generally discouraging. It has been reset now, so it is hoped that readers, including Steve and Leno, will take advantage of the cleared channel, do that we can report this outcome to our curious readers.
The connection has been set on autoreply for the past week so its use is generally discouraging. It has been reset now, so it is hoped that readers, including Steve and Leno, will take advantage of the cleared channel, do that we can report this outcome to our curious readers.

In a side note, Kathleen already reports missing the licks and nips from Leno and Carolyn's new puppy, Mickey Mousolini.