The Rolfsrud blog will go on vacation for the next few days while Stan joins the newspaper managers for their annual Ice Out business event in Ontario. Every spring, for the past couple of decades, he's flown in to Lake Outukamamoan to be among the season's first fishermen. The idea is to have enough water available so the float plane can land, but still enough crystal-clear ice available for cocktails. The Canadian pilots haven't missed the timing ... yet.

Lake Trout are in season and they are generally fished in 20 feet of water from off of a rock, while tending a campfire, telling tales and eating man food. Walleye, northern, etc are nearby, awaiting their opening day. Sometimes they accidentally jump into a boat, but are promptly thrown back -- after being admired, of course.
The camp is a former wilderness fishing lodge and now boasts a ton of amenities (solar electricity, flush toilets) which is good because comfort is important when you're pushing 60.

By popular request, we'll feature some recent photos of dead fish in a future post.
This is the last year you can enter Canada without a passport, so we may have to break down and get one.