Monday, August 27, 2007

Summer summary from the Underwoods

Amy Jerdee Underwood (Becky & Al's daughter) sends along this report from Des Moines.

Dave Underwood turns 40! He spent his birthday waterskiing. He is still not too old to barefoot. The water up his nose is more annoying though! Took a week to recover from that. He is handling his forties with grace so far, Amy says.

  • (Top, left) Hunter and Blake go back to school. Blake started kindergarten. He took the first day in stride. Got lost in the parent pick up line. The day care and Hunter were searching frantically for him. They found him standing calmly next to his teacher outside the school, waiting for some one to come and get him. He still doesn't know what the big deal was. Hunter is not taking Second Grade as well. We asked him if he was excited to go back to school and he said, "Learning really isn't for me. I really have this summer thing down and I want to just stick to that." He is always pretty honest.
  • (Top, right) Hunter tries baseball and pitching. He has the stance down! He did great as he was one of the few pitchers that did not hit the batter with the ball. The kids were also actually able to hit the ball when he pitched. That does not sound good, but it sure was a relief for the parents to see some action.
  • (Bottom, left) Blake and Hunter start soccer. We asked Blake if he was a soccer player and he said, "No, I am a baseball player. I am doing soccer just to stay in shape." Hunter seems to really like soccer. He likes to play goalie so he can wind up and kick the ball as hard as he can. All in all, we are planning for many years of preparing for, driving to, photographing and watching sports. We have a couple of good chairs, cellphones, bags for various equipment including water supply and treats. We will work on the parent t-shirts. Still no mini-van. We will go down kicking and screaming before we get a mini-van.
  • (Bottom, right) Our new house addition has been delayed, delayed, delayed from rain, rain, rain. We are living without a kitchen. Mostly we miss the sink.