Stan and Jim lugged the oak roll-top out of the basement and up the sidehill while LuAnn and Kathleen chatted away in the cul-de-sac, trading grandparent stories and idling by. Stan told LuAnn that the easy part is buying something to use for home organization, the hard part is actually going through your stuff and organizing it. She said that was no problem, that she already has tons of tupperware buckets, all organized, labeled and put away. Jim confirmed this.
As we think of other family members with similar organizational bents, a few names come to mind. Certainly not our own.
Speaking of family members, Stan and Kathleen had a delightful afternoon yesterday at Virgil and Becky's Eden Prairie home. Virgil has been our tax man for decades. We have a tradition that before we actually get down to tax calculations, we have a nice visit. The boys, Aaron and Alex, were able to join us for most of the visit.
In our presence, Alex hit his father up for a hard drive, state-of-the-art video camera, using his imminent graduation from high school as cover. This gambit worked exceedingly well, Virg crumbled before our eyes, and Alex returned from Best Buy with the new camera and his Dad's credit card long before our taxes were done. Virgil accused Alex of using the presence of his godfather uncle as leverage, but Alex deftly denied all, simply reminding Dad that his big brother Aaron got a complete car engine for his graduation present. The word "spoiled" was whispered between an observant aunt and uncle with knowing nods.
Stan and Kathleen will be acquiring a similar, if not identical camera, with the proceeds from our George W. Bush stimulus check, thereby simultaneously stimulating the Chinese economy and burdening our grandchildren further. We will, however, make lots of videos of these kind grandchildren, so there is a tradeoff.
Alex will be attending Mankato University in the fall. Arrangements are being made for suitable lodging in a dorm. Stan suggested, however, a fall-back position at Alex's aunt and uncle's palatial estate in Mankato. It is quite convenient to the college, and the food there is great.
Aaron continues to look exactly like Justin Morneau, fast becoming one of our favorite Twins, what with Saturday's performance. The handsome Aaron just offers a winning smile in return, pleased with our observations. The good-looking Alex is a Yankee, a double for Derek Jeter.
As is our tradition, the evening at Virg and Becky's was completed with takeout from Bucca's, the chicken parmesana with garlic mashed, green beans and salad. We had hoped for the traditional Tuscan chicken with roasted potatoes, but alas, Bucca's doesn't make that anymore.
This morning Kathleen and Stan will celebrate with breakfast at the clubhouse. This is the first time in at least a decade that we will be getting money back from the government. We're grateful to Virg for his part in that.