Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Joey, meet Emily

It's been more than two years, but our granddaughter finally got to meet the neighbor's grandson. Today Joey (Tom and Sandy's grandson) and Emily got acquainted, blew some bubbles, pushed scooters, ate some goldfish and generally hung out in the front yard, while grandparents around the cul-de-sac looked on.

Emily and Joey are about the same age (28 months) and Joey comes to visit his grandparents a lot, but somehow the two have never met, until today. A bright-sunlit day provided a perfect back drop. We would have made a movie, but Murphy's Lawnmower Law, the one guiding our faithful lawn service, dictates that whenever we want to do something fun outdoors, they show up immediately with their small engines, high-power weed whips and gasoline-turbine leaf blowers. The ear-splitting din continues for a couple of hours. Today was no exception.

Others attending included Joey's Mom Holly, who carried another son, Barrett, 5 months, in a tummy pack; Joe, our retired neighbor from California; and Joe, the grandson of neighbors John and Mary Gerken.

That's right, Joe, Joe and Joey, all hanging out in Emily's driveway today.