Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breaking the rules... again

This late entry to the Ladies Who Lunch series was disqualified on a number of technicalities. Submitted by Becky Lynn, the entry really belongs in the "Gentlemen Taking Their Wives Out for Pancakes" category. These photos were taken yesterday in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Sosie and Bill and some other folks from California were pushing off on a cruise through the Panama Canal and other exotic locales, and Becky and hubby were dockside to see them off. So this is a Bon Voyage, not a Ladies Who Lunch photo, Becky. Rules are the rules. Besides, we don't even know who the lady on the right in the upper photo is. (That's Becky and Sosie on the left) And Virg is disqualified, of course, for the shirt.