Brother Virgil reports from his Eden Prairie estate that our sister Sosie has arrived via the Sun Country Red Eye from California. She's taking a nap at Virgil and Becky's house as we type this, but the energetic boomer and ultimate tourist will rise shortly to tour the James J. Hill house in St. Paul and then walk Summit Avenue to gaze at the mansions and imagine the lifestyles enjoyed there.
By 6 p.m. she's scheduled to arrive here in bustling Shakopee, just in time for a drive-by of Derby Days.

Then Virg will tag off to Stan and Kathleen and join them as well as Becky Lynn for a roast beef dinner. After laughter tonight, we'll tuck Sosie to bed to reboot for
The Big Day in Mankato, where wall-to-wall Rolfsruds will compete with the Vikings as the main attraction in the river town.
Not that hard to do, now that Farve is out of the picture.