Saturday, June 19, 2010

Linda and Ron reveal "Best Of. . ." their East European trip

In the Bosnian city of Mostar, there used to be a stone bridge built in 1566 by Khayr-ad-din, one of the students of famous architect Mimar Sinan. That bridge (above), which was under protection of UNESCO, was one of the most beautiful and majestic Ottoman works ever...It was 28 meters long, and with that length, it was the longest stone bridge in all Europe.

Unfortunately, on November 9, 1993, this bridge was destroyed by Croat artillery.

It has been rebuilt and repaired by Turkish artisans and reopened in 2004.

Stan's sister and her husband, Ron, visited this stirring sight during their annual European holiday. You can see the new bridge among the many photographs the couple took during their stay, a few of them in the collage, below (click to enlarge images and see the new bridge).

Read Pastor Ron's blog, at left, for his take on travel, and if you'd like to be let in on the couple's "best of" list, i.e. best hike, best walled city, best view, etc., click the comment bar below.