Monday, November 28, 2011

Dad would have loved Cyber Monday

As the author of 30-some books, Erling Rolfsrud would have loved cyber Monday. He died in 1994, long before the Internet became a marketing force in book sales. It would have been especially effective for a rural author without big city connections.
Early on, Dad adopted a computer for capturing keystrokes for typesetting, but that is as far as it went. Most of Dad's books are now out of print, but there are still a few titles left. He'd be proud to know they're available on the internet.
The exclusive dealer for Rolfsrud books is now Suzann Nelson and Dad would be cheered to know the name of her web site is "Rural Route Bookstore." We don't know what kind of inventory remains, she has sole rights to it and Rolfsrud heirs are pleased she is managing the books.
Click here to go to her Rural Route Bookstore website. 
Look on her home page for a line that says "Find Rolfsrud books here."
Example from the site:
Stone Johnny School    by Erling Rolfsrud  (North Dakota)    
In a delightful homespun way Erling Rolfsrud relates his experiences as a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse on the prairie of North Dakota, including teaching the beautiful 'Palmer Penmanship Method' to students whose hands were more at home with a gopher trap or pitchfork.

R 1- 05    $8.95
Order by using the 'Place an Order' form or you may order by phone (800 494-9124).  For payment and shipping charges, see 'Place an Order.'
So there's your Cyber Monday Christmas Gift idea. If you'd just like to HEAR Erling Rolfsrud reading a passage or two out of his "Gopher Tails for Papa," click here.
Often the most exciting part of Dad's day was when the rural carrier
made his 10 a.m. delivery. He might be bringing book orders. . . or a check.
These little decorated mailboxes are from Suzann's website. Dad owned a
supersize mailbox, befitting his optimism and hopes.