Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The badge makes it official

Our daughter once worked for a florist as a flower buyer in LA. Kathleen cherishes the memory of driving with her in the wee morning hours to the huge, bustling flower market to watch her daughter skillfully select and purchase colorful raw materials for the day.

Hello Mom and Stan,
I'm back from my first day working/training at Just Food Co-op.  It was nice to meet the co-op folks in Northfield and start learning the ropes. I am excited about my new position as a Grocery Buyer. It will be different from being a flower buyer, yet I'm sure with the same amount of responsibility. It has been some leg work but Northfield has been generous with me in providing two good and fun jobs -- speaking of which, I'll talk to you later, I'm off to the Archer House now!
Big Love,