Monday, January 14, 2013

Classmates chill in Maple Grove

Squeezing close to get everyone into the shot (not just to stay warm)
Ramona Sly, Stan Rolfsrud, Kathy Faust, Kathy Skadsberg,
Paula Hanson, Terrie Widstrom
Braving January temps, six Wallweeds from the Alexandria Class of 1965 gathered in Maple Grove tonight to renew friendships and enjoy Happy Hour half-priced drinks and hors-de-ouvres (Sorry, Senior discount does not apply -- no other special offers -- put your coupons away).
Ramona Sly, the youngster in the group, celebrated her upcoming birthday; she'll cross the great divide tomorrow. Our waitress did not sing the birthday song, but she did take this dandy photo of the club members getting closer to each other.
It was hoped that Charlie Stark would be there to report on his recent West Coast trip where he and his wife enjoyed lunch with 65ers Karl and Sue (Gorham) Tegland, but Charlie had been called away on business and wasn't able to attend.
A debate on where the world's largest cross stands was settled by Paula Hanson. Stan Rolfsrud asserted that he had seen the biggest cross (19 stories high) along a freeway in Texas, but it turns out that there is now one that is nine feet taller in Illinois, according to Paula's hand-held device that answers all questions. We did not ask her device where the world's largest ball of string is located because we got sidetracked naming the states in the four corners (New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona).
Classmate updates were shared. Vacation destination recommendations as well.
We did not talk much about aches and pains other than the flu. Grandchildren somehow didn't make the cut either.
Here's a file copy of what Kathleen thought at the time was the world's largest cross when we stopped and she took a picture of Stan beneath it.