Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nephew scores movie track

Our nephew, Steve Letnes, has written and performed the soundtrack for an upcoming Christmas movie called "Santa's Boot Camp." Today this trailer was loaded on YouTube. If all goes well, next December we hope to be able to go to a local theater, buy a box of popcorn, and proudly watch for Steve's name in the credits.
Take a look at this clip, ignore all the juvenile voices, and focus on the background music: It's pure Letnes.
 Way to go, Steve!
Here's a synopsis of the plot:
Willy Wonka meets "It's a Wonderful Life". When kids become so bratty and self-centered that Santa's elves go on strike, Santa, in desperation, must bring six unscrupulous youths to his boot camp to help save Christmas.
Steve with parents, Linda (Stan's sister) and Ron