Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A "green stick" fracture

As anyone can plainly see (j.k.), Kathleen has a small hair-line break in her wrist, called a green stick fracture, the result of a slip and fall on the ice Sunday. A green stick fracture, the doc says, is like a living tree branch that isn't quite snapped off yet, but would break if it got conked again. So the best idea is to immobilize it completely for a couple of weeks with an old fashioned plaster of paris cast that will prevent Kathleen from disrupting the healing process.

Yesterday we set about to do just that, but unfortunately, when we went into the clinic cast room, the cupboard was bare: no fiberglas tape to build the mold. So everyone was embarrassed and we drove home yet again, hoping to return today when all is in readiness.
Meanwhile, Kathleen is treating herself to a pedicure, while Stan waits on standby for the casting call. The patient is grateful for the outpouring of sympathy directed her way, and assures everyone that she's fine. . . and very lucky.
(Hmm. Lucky. Maybe a trip to the casino? You only need one hand for blackjack. Might as well, can't do much else.)