Thursday, May 09, 2013

Big boxes from Alex

 Side view of the linen cabinet
The guy who built our cabinets in Stan's Alexandria hometown delivered them today. He got a hand (above) from our installer, Vark, and he also got a hand from us for the beautiful work. Cabinet builder Wallin and Stan exchanged names we know from Alexandria but couldn't come up with a match, so we just talked about the great work Collins did for us instead.
The sign on his truck (right) actually says Nelson, MN, that's a friendly little beer, burgers and gas town a few miles outside of Alexandria. The cabinet shop is actually located on a rural route, across the road from Stan's old high school chum, Paul Strandberg.
Mr. Wallin didn't know him either. Time marches on.
Vark begins installation tomorrow. We're brushing our teeth in the guest bath these days. Chop chop sir...