Monday, May 13, 2013

Carpet layer ready to take off. . .

When Al introduced himself this morning, he told us that he's come to our house three times over the years to install new carpet. We didn't believe he could remember such a thing that far back, but then he described the pattern in the basement carpet that he put down 12 years ago, even remembered the Norman Rockwell newspaper office picture hanging on the wall at the time. He added that there was some concern that there might not be enough of the carpet to finish the job (there was).
Further, he remembered that our living room carpet used to be a frosty grape shade. He replaced that in 2006.
Incredible memory. Good carpet layer. Showed up on time and finished our master bedroom and closet in just three hours, even making time for a persistent photographer. We know his seams are good, our house is full of them. We took time to admire some of his previous work.
This may be the last time Al lays any carpet here though. . . he's just finished four years of flight school and he's ready for a new career.
Best of luck to him and thanks a lot!