Friday, June 21, 2013

Kicked out of First National

Beate and Unni 
Steve treats a couple fans
to a demo.
The most exciting part of the day just may have been meeting a real live music composer in a real live closet studio. Or maybe it was enjoying the savories and quiche with Jennifer at Martha's Bakery.  (Martha did make a personal appearance at our table.)
The Correct Bank
Old Main at St. Olaf was a highlight too, high over the Cannon River, begging to be photographed.
But we needed to further clarify and certify the Jesse James Northfield Raid saga which has met with some misfortune on this otherwise precisely constructed blog.
We found the correct bank around the corner from the Post Office and sure enough there were the two bullet holes marked with circles. But true authentication came from the young leader of a sidewalk tour group, costumed in a full-length print dress, giving chapter and verse to the whole story, the perfect summer job. Did you know they only got $26 in the raid? The horse was shot over there.
Group Leader
When she finally invited her little group into the restored bank, we just naturally blended in with them, eager to see the inner workings of this historic place -- its reputation known even to Norwegians.
As our gang crossed the threshold, we were addressed directly by the group leader.
"Were you here at the beginning of the tour?" she asked the gang. She already knew her own answer, of course, and then it dawned on us too. She wanted some money.
We exited faster than Cole Younger and Jesse James.
Ten years ago Mom hosted Beate and Unni at her Alexandria home.
They visited her in Bloomington today.