Greg Johnson joined another old Cardinal today for a casual round at Creeksbend near New Prague, finishing in 3.5 hours. . . and with most of the balls that they started out with.
A good partner will retrieve your ball without
complaint, even from 15 rows deep in a cornfield. |
Part of the time was spent listening to the birds in this rural setting along a meandering creek. Greg is an accomplished birder and can identify many species by sight and sound. . . and he does so for the edification of his appreciative partner, from time to time, which gives a quality feel to an otherwise ordinary day in Paradise. (Hear that witchety, witchety, witchety call? That's a
Common Yellow-throat, Greg says confidently. You could identify one by its black face, but you'll never see one, he adds. They're very shy. That's a Bluebird flitting by, no it's a Swallow.)
Later, Greg enjoyed a birdie of another sort, carding a 3 on the notorious double-fairway Par 4, No. 12. His tee shot went into a hazard, he took a penalty, then whacked his third shot 160 yards uphill onto the elevated green . . . where it rolled on into the cup, demonstrating that you may be down, but you're never out in this funny game.
Nice Bird, Greg!