Saturday, May 24, 2014

Birthday Birdfeeder

Spread the word now.
Kathleen's always been a natural bird feeder, so it wasn't too hard to get the right birthday present this year. We don't have any reachable tree limbs near enough to the house, so after dark last night, Stan surreptitiously added a copper-top post with a sturdy hanger to the back deck. When Kathleen awoke on her birthday, she opened her peepers, looked out the window, and there it was.
It's filled with a thistle seed mix now, and we're already attracting the littlest ones. . . which is what we like the most.
Starlings are dominating our suet feeder around the corner right now; they're a flock bird, we're told, and they will eventually move on. Fine with us.
Happy Birthday today to Kathleen. . . and Bob Dylan.