Friday, November 21, 2014

Spotlight on the Dairy Buyer!

Right under the directions for making a pumpkin pie from scratch, we found this lovely item in the Just Foods blog. Yes, we're proud of our daughter.
The youngest. . . on the bank of the
Cannon River.

Employee Spotlight!

Meet our Dairy Buyer, Jennifer! Jennifer has been working at Just Food for two years. Jennifer loves working with her awesome coworkers, the farmers and the distributors that provide us with such healthy food!
If Jennifer could only eat one meal for the rest of her life, it would be salads because, “There are so many different ways to make them!” When asked what her hopes are for the industry she referenced a bumper sticker that she saw which stuck with her. It read, “Organic food, or as your Grandparents called it, food.” 
She hopes that one day it becomes that again.

Say hi to Jennifer the next time you’re in the Co-op!