Saturday, March 21, 2015

Confidence builders

Grandpa with his "G" logo; Emily with hers, and the leggy GM. (General Manager?)
There's lots to analyze here, but we're late for Kung Fun.
Emily may need a stool to be as tall as Grandpa, but Grandma doesn't need one. Just look at Emily's drawing of Grandma, above. Perception and belief are the things that really count in our lives.

Waffles AND a Smoothie
Powering up for today's test.
That's why Emily's Mom enrolled her in Kung Fu.

Any disinterested observer could easily see that Emily probably could  never hurt anyone (except possibly herself) with Kung Fu. But that's not the point. It's a confidence builder that's so important to a growing girl (an inch and a half since May).
Today Emily earned her Green Belt, which is a step up from the Orange one she wore into the test. We drove Emily to her Green Belt test today and were treated to an impressive naming of all the Books of the Bible (including Habakuk, remember him?), both the new and the old, in order. Good job.
Pretty soon she won't need a stool for anything.

Emily's Fan Club; Grandma, Melissa, Diane