Friday, January 15, 2016

Rock and Roll is here to stay

Rockin' the Clubhouse. Old guys do it best.
When we saw the bald heads on the old rock 'n rollers tonight, we just knew they'd play something we like.
They did.
Iko Iko, Nick of Time, Nobody Loves You When, Stir it Up, you know, the good stuff -- Bonnie Raitt, Dr. John, some Reggae, great licks, non-stop.
These veterans have a repertoire that reflects a life time in the music scene. Aimee Lee, the lead singer, carries a torch. And when they jammed, uff da.
They are good friends, this is for fun, and that's why the group comes out to our tiny venue in the boonies.  Kirby the keyboarder could name only one "responsible" job he's ever had. . . and that was selling pianos.
We had just come by for a burger, what a nice surprise.
We stayed for a second set.