Homemade Sweetheart Roses |
Amazing what you can learn while watching YouTube. |
Working into the early morning hours today, Andy Tu created this fine chocolate bouquet of dipped strawberries for his steady sweetheart Kelli. His first strawberry rose took a full hour to construct, he picked up speed after that. His sister Lili came in late and added her admiration midway through the six-hour project. Andy's never done anything quite like this before, saw it done on YouTube. He combined plump fresh strawberries, white and molding chocolates, corn syrup, baker's dye and a lot of love. It will be received with elation and appreciation tonight, we're sure. Kelli and Andy will cap their evening with a seafood buffet at the famed Pala Casino.
We'll stay home and enjoy a chilled bowl of Andy's mistakes.
(Andy lives upstairs at the Hotel California.)