Tuesday, May 03, 2016

While you were away. . .

Eight should be enough for this feathered suburban couple.
She scared the hell out of Stan.
Virg seated near his front door.
His brother Virg has returned from six months in Florida, he's now back here with all the other snowbirds. However, he's not the first one to arrive in Minnesota, he was beaten here by a nice Mallard couple.
Rounding the corner to deliver some papers to Virg's front door Sunday, Stan was startled by a mother hen suddenly flying up at his face, probably even more frightened than the intruder.
Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Mallard had selected a lovely spot, where it is peaceful and out of the way, and the sun shines over a manicured lawn where nobody ever comes. A private place to raise some young ones without disruption.
Then Virg returned to HIS nest. They scared him too.
Fortunately, the garage entrance is around the corner. So if the residents continue to use that door instead of the front door, the ducks by the front should be able to nicely co-exist with the snowbirds.
Isn't it nice when we all get along?