Tuesday, June 14, 2016

She can make you cry

Congratulations to our Cousin Erika Rolfsrud. Erika just won the award for being the outstanding actress in a stage play in Connecticut during 2015.

Erika is currently in a 17 week gig at the major regional theatre in Cleveland, OH, where she's getting rave reviews. One critic noted that although the play, "Steel Magnolia" is loaded with biting wit between the six women in a beauty parlor down south with their Southern accents in full display, Erika as the mother of a daughter facing death has a fairly long bit on death which according to the critic brought everyone in the audience to tears.

For anyone who is interested, Erika played the head of the NRA in current TV season episodes of "House of Cards", available on Netflix. Just google "Erika Rolfsrud" and a bunch of information flows out, including three segments from House of Cards; one of those episodes shows all her scenes in the program.