Thursday guests for Afternoon Tea were Mr. Mark Olson, pictured at left, and Mr. Robert Suel. |
LOCAL NEWS FROM AROUND THE TOWN —Afternoon callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rolfsrud residence in St. Paul were Messers Robert Suel and Mark Olson, who motored in from Shakopee, Minnesota, for afternoon tea and stimulating conversation. Mrs. Rolfsrud offered a delicious buffet luncheon. Mr. Rolfsrud poured. A good time was enjoyed by all. It was mutually resolved to meet socially soon again. Mr. Suel is the now retired advertising director of the Chaska Herald, a respected news compendium in the southwest suburban area, dating back to the Civil War era. Mr. Olson currently serves as its editor-in-chief. The gentlemen motored back to Shakopee before snowfall.