Saturday, February 26, 2022

At Last. . .


What we set out to do 10 months ago, finally got done today. We came home with a new left hip, and reports are that it’s all good. It’s everything I can do to keep K from over-testing another piece of shiny hardware.

Many of you recall that on May 1, 2021, we were preparing K for hip surgery and rolling up the rugs in preparation for her walker paraphernalia. She tripped on a rolled up rug, and we were soon in the Trauma One center at North Memorial with a broken neck. Two surgeries, three weeks, and one neck brace later, we were home in time to finish our planned move to our present location.

By fall, our surgeon pronounced her good to go for any kind of surgery she wanted. But when we applied, in December, a disappointed orthopod said all electric surgeries had been canceled. Waconia hospital needed the beds and staff for serious Covid patients. We were grateful to not be in their number and waited patiently for the Covid patients to clear out.

They did.

Surgery went like clockwork, looked like they had a dozen to do that day alone. Remarkable staff, remarkable surgeon but most remarkable: the hospital food. As long-term veterans of hospital cuisine elsewhere, we have a certain standing in this area and are happy to award five stars to the Waconia hospital kitchen staff.

Home again, the food marks will plummet as Stan puts on his apron and opens the refrigerator. However, frequent take-outs are promised and no one has to miss a meal.

Come and see us soon. K is housebound and Covid is subsiding. She can use your company.