Monday, September 25, 2023


 Once you’re at peace with the stigma of riding a tricycle and wearing a safety helmet, it’s a blast, a great grocery-getter and all-around nature trail boss. And the battery makes it even better. Folks ask me how fast I can go? Don’t know, as fast as I dare, I tell them. Jingle Jingle, look out!

I am sure I could match the president stroke for stroke on a 10 speed, but I’m not running for office, and don’t have to. A comfortable, relaxed, balanced pace suits me fine. I am 76, retired, and just had my 43rd wedding anniversary (see photo of the two celebrants today, joyfully celebrating). I deserve a comfort, wide seat on my e-trike, damn it. And a bell. And cargo hold.

So looking like a special-needs dude with balance issues as I tool around town doesn’t matter to me anymore. Being able to stop and go without touching the ground, and biking at a walking-talking pace, without jiggle, compensates. 

Yesterday, I cruised to Aldi’s across the pond, and while inside, a 60-something spotted my bike helmet and wondered aloud how I was going to get that big cooler of groceries balanced on my bike. “This I gotta see,” she said.  I took her outside, showed her, and grinned.

We’ve got just one car now; my wife’s bug. Hope she lets me borrow it this winter.