Saturday, March 08, 2008

Breakfast guests from the Ivy League

Leah Lussier and Jesse Sixkiller joined Kathleen and Stan for breakfast this morning in Saddlebrooke. Leah and Jesse are now studying law at the University of Arizona. She's a Harvard graduate, he graduated from Dartmouth. Leah is the daughter of Stan's longtime friend and high school classmate, Carol Engstrom Lussier, and her husband, Gary, of Minneapolis.

This summer, Leah will be interning at the prestigious Faegre and Benson Law Firm in Minneapolis. The couple is studying hard in Tucson, drawn here, not by the weather, but the reputation of the school in their chosen law specialty.
They took a study break and drove out from the campus this morning. Stories were told about Leah's mother and Leah's aunt, Linda Akenson, stories Stan is well-qualified to pass on, in the interest of a complete historical record. The couple presented their hosts with a beautiful floral bouquet, which Kathleen deftly arranged in an aluminum foil-covered coffee can -- since the Rolfsrud boys apparently haven't had a need for a real vase just yet. Stan and Kathleen hope to entice Gary and Carol to come to Tucson to visit one day and to that end, Leah and Jesse were posed on the new guest bed, proving that arrangements are now in place. Kathleen happily learned that Gary, Ted and Jesse all enjoy poker, so plans are afoot for a Minneapolis showdown sometime this summer.
Jesse is from Seattle, where the couple will spend spring break.