Friday, December 02, 2011

"O, Here We Come A-Wassailing!"

The neighbors gathered at Deb Strong's house tonight like we always do about this time every year to sing Christmas Carols around Deb's grand piano, eat a potluck and have a few laughs. We took on all the old favorites and sang and laughed our way through the "Twelve Days of Christmas" (We all had parts, Wes and Shirley were the Partridge in the Pear Tree).  We had our special senior moment too: Paula requested "Silent Night" -- right after we sang "Silent Night," -- and somebody actually remembered that we had just done it.
God Bless the Master of This House.
Towards the end of the evening, our granddaughter was dropped off for her overnight (Mom's got an appointment early tomorrow) and she joined us for a few songs, shaking the Jingle Bells Deb had provided.
Then it was time for the annual picture of the carolers. Grandpa took it, (top photo) then figured out how he could get himself in the photo too, and turned the camera over to Emily. She went right to work and got the group shot (below). Then she kept right on going, as if on an assignment, and to the delight of the whole gang, set up shots of everyone. Below is her Christmas Party collage, all shot with Grandpa's Nikon D70, set to Auto, totally under her own direction.
Nice job, Emily, better than Grandpa's. Our host, Deb, is in the red,
closest to the camera.
Emily took photos of all these grandmas and grandpas. You can tell by
the angle and the great expressions that our kindergartener was really
working the crowd. Click to enlarge.