Thursday, February 09, 2006

Would everybody just take it easy?

Let's see. This week we've learned that Sosie tumbled off her bike while birdwatching and put an arm out of service; Ron lost the use of his foot for a few months. Tonight our Jennifer was hit by a car while she rode shotgun in her ambulance in St. Paul. Marcy says Jennifer is okay. She was buckled in when an elderly couple blew a stop light and hit the side of the ambulance. Her vehicle is mounted on a heavy truck body, so the couple got the worst of it. Jennifer now complains of a sore neck and she'll be on crutches for a while. The accident was a block from the home base so the scene was flooded with paramedics. We're waiting for a call from Jennifer to see how serious this is, just in case Marcy soft pedaled the story so Mom and Stan wouldn't worry down here in AZ.

Please. Would everybody just take it easy for a while?