After chores today, Stan went golfing at The Ranch with Richard Krueger, our neighbor who retired recently from General Mills in Minnesota. His brother-in-law, Tom Lehman look-a-like Richard Robertson and Mack completed our foursome. At the end of the day the new guy found himself paying each one of them $2. I felt kind of bad about that until I learned that Stephen had received exactly the same treatment the first time he went out with them. I am not saying anything, but I am just reporting what happened.
The weather was perfect, no wind, a blue sky, and short sleeves through the 18th. I have never gotten so much for $27. The guys are great fun because they know facts about Steve and Virg and are not afraid to state them. They also know about Jimmy Carter's position on the Middle East and can debate it intelligently. Which I suppose isn't surprising. None of them has a steady job.
Lehman shot a 77, took his cap off and revealed an authentic Lehman hair cut.
Tomorrow, I go to the driving range.
Oops, doorbell just rang as I write this. "Did you know that you left your golf clubs out on the driveway?" a perfect stranger said. I had forgotten them tonight when I was trying to open the garage door with the secret code. It is apparently still a secret.
People are forgetful and people are nice. His name was Joe and we thanked him profusely.