Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hey Doc! Is this really what you had in mind?

The controversy started with former Alexandria biology instructor Marland Madson, who finished his career as a professor at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. Blame him. Responsible for teaching many Rolfsruds the very basics of the birds and bees, Dr. Madson is also responsible for instructing Stephen Rolfsrud in the martial arts of bush and tree pruning.

Over the years, his teachings have brought considerable anxiety to Stephen's wife, Nancy, as she watches Marland's disciple whale away at back yard bushes and trees, all in the name of helping nature take its course. Today it was our turn to gape.

There was a bush in the backyard, whose genus escapes us (Sorry, Marland), with a multitude of horizontal limbs, woody branches and a certain tell-tale ripe voluptuousness. That was at 9 a.m. At 9:15 there was a brush pile and twiggy remnants. (See photos).

Was this all for the good? It is kind to be cruel? No pain, no gain? Do you have to make sacrifices to achieve greatness? These and other life lessons await in the backyard at Rock Crest. Only time will tell, Stephen.

In the meantime, Stan, above, used the experience as an inspiration and gave himself a free haircut. We're sure the good doctor would approve.