What's more important, Mom loves her "new home." She hasn't been happier in six months, since the unfortunate falls last spring that put her through a series of challenges and discouraging circumstances. The sparkle has returned to her eyes, she is cheerful and surrounded by a wonderful staff as well as alert and interesting neighbors who are well-matched to her present needs and level of independence. Linda and Ron Letnes found this place and mother is thrilled. (Click on these photos for startling detail in the prayer shawl gift mom is inspecting. I think BeeAnn and Shortie Olson gave it to her but I am not sure.)
The food was good, served by cheerful assistants, and there were seconds for anyone who wanted them. (Stan and Gertie, "yes, please"-- "none for Mom, thank you") .
We sang the table grace this morning. It was great hearing Mom singing "Be Present at Our Table, Lord," sweetly and right on key, as always.
There may be an issue, however. We always sing the last line of the song: "May Feast in Paradise With Thee." But others were singing "May Always in Thy Service Be." Mother and I will look into this. We are not sure yet, but we suspect the Methodists.