Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Linda's pal, Eunice, needed help bad . . .

She dropped a dime in the pay phone
Today we received a nice note from Eunice Christensen of Westbrook, Minnesota. She writes:

Hi...just checked out your blog. Fascinating!!!!
I am a friend of your sister, Linda. I have known the Letnes family for at least 30 years. My daughters attended Shetek Lutheran Bible Camp when Ron was director there. Linda and I became good friends, and even attended a college class together in Marshall.
One afternoon, I picked Linda up at camp, and we drove to Marshall for class. After arriving at the college parking lot, I forgot to turn my headlights off (it was dusk when we got there). When my car wouldn't start after class, I said,"No problem. I have AAA."
I called from a pay phone (no cells then) at the college, but happened to call AAAnswerphone. I saw the 3 big AAA's and thought that was Triple A. Well, I left a message saying who I was and that I needed help. I was really embarrassed when our prof came by, inquired about us still being there, and he then informed us (after seeing the # I had called) that I had called Alcoholics Anonymous instead of AAA.
I had to call back and tell AA that it was a mistake and they didn't need to respond. Of course, by then, there was a lot of giggling going on. The folks at AA probably thought I had a BIG problem!
I am happy Ron and Linda are back in MN. Maybe I will get to see them again sometime.
Thanks for the interesting blog.I love it!
Eunice Christensen,Westbrook, MN