Thursday, November 29, 2007

Belize reprise from Sosie

Solveig Rolfsrud Shearer, married to the retired and repackaged Wm. O. Shearer, parents of Zachary, recently led a family safari into the known parts of Belize. They spent a month there and had a number of guests stay at their rental home by the sea. Recently Sosie got her pictures sorted, and sent these to us, along with a brief commentary:

We had the comforts of home in Belize, particularly when family came.

Zach and Solveig could cook like at home and Zach could even get the same Butler Bill service, just like at home. (Ed. Note: Is that really Bill? He looks terrific.)
Some things, like the phone, didn’t really work like at home, but Jennifer LaBrie can smile anything into working.

The arrival of the Becky and Allen Jerdees was highly anticipated, since American Airlines had cancelled their flight, cutting 24 hours off their vacation.

Zach warmly greeted his long lost Aunt Becky and we quickly set about planning our adventures.
While the four Shearers opted for a day snorkeling on a private island (top photo & right photo), Becky and Allen immersed themselves in Placencia Village, finding the colors now displayed on the Jerdee blog (link at left).
On another day, we six traveled inland to two Mayan ruins, Lubaantun and Nim Li Punit. (Adam and Kim Jerdee are also Mayan ruin fans and plan to soon compare them to Egyptian pyramids.)
For our Family Portrait, we chose to sit where the Mayan rulers sat to watch the action on the ball courts.