Friday, November 23, 2007

Grandfather, may we read a book now?

Just because I don't talk much yet, doesn't mean I don't like to read. There are many books that I like. Grandpa seems to like the same ones. "The Little Red Hen" is good because it talks about helping out and having a sense of responsibility and not being a sponge. Grandpa is big on that.

But the very best one today is "Thidwick, The Big-Hearted Moose" by Dr. Seuss. Aunt Nancy bought that for Grandpa before I was born and he gets such a kick out of it he keeps reading it to me, over and over and over again. He read it first in country school and just can't let it go.

Lately, Grandpa has been getting some complaints from you readers about not enough pictures of me on the blog.

Well, too bad. Right now I am in North Carolina with Mommy for Thanksgiving and I won't be at Grandma and Grandpa's until next week. Too bad. You'll just have to look at these old pictures of me and remember that I am much bigger now.