Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas greetings from western No.Dak.

It may be Christmas Night in the furthest reaches of western North Dakota, but the search for oil goes on unabated, in a never ending bid to fuel a thirsty nation. Today we received a small batch of photographs from the Rolfsrud Ranch, where the cowboys have the decency to cease operations for traditional gift-giving and family activities.

Full house
When we say we received a small batch of photos, that's exactly what we mean. That, and a heart-felt wish for a Happy New Year. These Norwegian farmers don't waste words. So the captions on the photos are based on the failing memory of the blog editor and his lovely assistant, and subject to exaggeration, prevarication, misidentification, and, of course, eventual correction.
Western North Dakota, where women are strong and
all their children are above average

These brides have all chosen Rolfsrud men as their life partners -- with two exceptions. Second from the end is Kelli Rolfsrud McCoy. She's Marilyn and Harold's only daughter. Her husband, Jiro, is giving flight instruction in Iraq. Sorry, we're not sure about the lovely gal on the end. But from the front it is Gena (David), Deb (Doug), Marilyn (Harold), Nancy (John) and Trish (Guy) Rolfsrud.They stand tall in the kitchen, probably having just prepared and delivered a fine table of Christmas delight to their men and children.

Christmas guests at the Rolfsrud Ranch included Guy Rolfsrud, his wife, Trish, and their daughter, Brooke, from Cottonwood, Minnesota, as well as Cousin Joe Weltzin, his wife, Adalina, and their daughter, Marby, from nearby Watford City. The girls appear much bigger and older than they did at the family reunion last summer.

Christmas chaos abounds in these photos of family activity. In the background, a red-shirted David Rolfsrud is apparently connecting a brand-new Christmas doodad to the family computer. Hurry up, Dad. Me first. John Rolfsrud, left, watches Madison check out her new item. At the far right, that's no ring on Trish's right hand -- it's a pacifier at the ready.