Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Midnight flight brings Mom's Christmas guests

Bill and Solveig Shearer may have shared a flight plan with Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. It all started Monday evening when Jenn LaBrie and Zach Shearer entertained Solveig and Bill for Christmas Eve dinner at their home in Castro Valley.

Then Zach donned his chauffeur hat and took Solveig and Bill to the San Francisco airport for a midnight flight to Minnesota. In the early dark hours, the two drove through quiet, wide, and snow-free roads to Alexandria.
There, Beverly Rolfsrud entertained the two at the Christmas buffet at Rudy's Redeye in the Holiday Inn.

That afternoon, it was off to the Wexford for a family gathering at Linda and Ron's in Blaine, then back to Alexandria for a long winter's nap at Mom's house.
Solveig and Bill will be spending the balance of their time with Mom. Virgil will join them on Friday in Alex for a day.