Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Do you like pina coladas?

Exactly what is this dish next to the half-finished pina colada? Apparently it was Kathleen's lunch today. When Stan came home from his rounds at 6 p.m., he found the camera with this picture in it, but no Kathleen. A note said she loves him and it's poker night at the Lariat. Earlier today, Kathleen drove away with the SLAC (Saddlebrook Ladies Adventure Club) in a big silver van headed downtown. If you'd like a restaurant review on the Pico Pokey or some such Mexican restaurant they invaded, stayed tuned. She'll get home eventually and then we'll write it all up. Lunch looks good, though, huh? Yum. FYI, for supper, Stan had toast and grape jelly with Barack and Hillary.
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