That's because his high school class at Eden Prairie is so large, it takes the Northrop Auditorium on the U campus to accommodate it.
These photos were taken on the mall just after the event, and painstakingly supplied by Becky. One photo was taken inside the auditorium, from what appears to be way up in the balcony, at the precise moment the man of the hour strode across the stage to accept his diploma on behalf of his Mother and Dad and all the other little people who made this singular achievement possible.
The shot from the balcony (no, this isn't Ford's theater) prompted one family wise-ass to comment: "Geez, Virg, why couldn't you spring for some better seats?"
His summer will be spent at Best Buy, working his Geek-Messiah act with confused computer owners.
Best of luck from Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Stan.