After almost a year of just missing Michelle, Mom's Very Important Person, every time we came to visit, Stan and Kathleen finally connected with her today. We had joked with Mom that Michelle was just an invisible companion, and imaginary friend, sort of like "Harvey." This is not true, of course, Michelle provides vital assistance to Mom and we're all grateful for it.
Today Michelle and Mom both learned how to run the new digital TV set with built-in DVD that we delivered. That shouldn't be too hard, only one remote control is required, and they both picked up on it right away. (See Mom intently workin' the controls, below.)
But the best news today was Mom's checkup. Notice that her arm is no longer in the sling and little by little she is using it again. She employed it to sample Kathleen's homemade chocolate chip pecan cookies, baked for the occasion. So all in all it was a happy day in Alexandria today.
Now. Would anybody like to have a used analog TV owned by a really nice older lady?