Saturday, April 25, 2009

What about MY gutters, broken window?

High winds crossing the sixth fairway wrenched a decent fade into a nasty slice last night, floating Stan's mulligan way out of bounds and bouncing it merrily down Stonebrooke Drive. There it eventually met the bright red pride and joy of a fine young Shakopee lad, popping a dent into the right fender, skipping off the windshield and dribbling away down a gutter.

This event did not go unnoticed by either driver, so a meeting was promptly called to order beside the damaged vehicle. Stan could quickly see that simple regrets would not suffice, so he invited the young man back to his house for a cash award to smooth the dent. The victim, encouraged by his pal and Stan's foursome, agreed.

Unfortunately, with Kathleen out of the house, Stan's net worth plummets. Burglars would have to settle for a ham sandwich and a beer. However, with the help of kind, resigned neighbors, Stan was able to scrape together $100 in small bills, just enough to assuage his conscience, settle the matter and give the young man a nice head start on his Friday night activities.

Victim points out evidence of errant Titleist.